Comprehensive Regional Growth Plan UPDATE November 15, 2007
2 Accomplishments to Date Working groups –Kick-off meeting – June 26 th –Transportation – August 23 rd –K-12 Education – September 18 th –Workforce Development – September 18 th –Aviation – October 3 rd –Higher Education – October 4 th –Transportation – October 9 th –Public Safety – October 12 th –Social Services – November 6 th –Communications Technology – November 6 th –Water and Wastewater – November 13 th –Solid Waste – November 13 th –Hospitality – November 16 th –Quality of Life – November 16 th –Housing – January 3 rd (pending) –Healthcare – January (pending)
3 Accomplishments to Date Data Collection –Fort Bragg Efforts Military construction Privatized housing Active-duty and civilian transitions Womack and VA hospitals On-base schools Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) –FORSCOM Efforts Quality of Life Survey distributed Aviation and meeting space requirements
4 Accomplishments to Date Data Collection (cont.) –Community Efforts County k-12 school districts Sustainable Sandhills Regional Planners Municipal Planning Departments Police and Emergency Services Departments Local businesses (9 or more employees) Regional Land Use Advisory Representatives Metropolitan and Rural Planning Organizations State of North Carolina Representatives Many others…
Economic Impact Preliminary Findings
6 Initial Task Objective To identify the annual direct investment through 2015 resulting from Army initiatives, including BRAC, Grow the Army, etc. This information will be used as input into the REMI economic model
7 Direct Investment Payroll –Active military payroll –Army civilian payroll Construction activity –Military construction (Army Corp. of Engineers) –On-base private housing (Picerne Housing) New or expanded private investment –Professional services firms –Manufacturing and technology firms –Innovative new firms
8 Direct Investment Increase in active duty payroll –$3.77 billion (cumulative ) –6,259 positions –Refer to handout for more details Increase in Army civilian payroll –$709.2 million (cumulative ) –2,209 positions Total increase –$4.46 billion –8,468 positions
9 Direct Investment Construction dollars spent in the region ( ) –Military construction - $1 billion + –Privatized housing - $550 million New or expanded private investment ( ) –Professional services firms - $350 million –Manufacturing and technology firms (TBD) –Innovative new firms (TBD) TOTAL ADD’L INVESTMENT OF OVER $6 BILLION
Next Steps
11 Early Deliverables Profile of Incoming Populations –Income –Education –Family mix Economic Impact –Direct investment –Indirect spin-off by Tier 1 county –Additional jobs and dollars by Tier 1 county –Industry sector analysis Housing and Education –“Normal” growth projections and gaps by Tier 1 county –“Direct” growth projections and gaps by Tier 1 county Workforce Development –Asset mapping (supply side) –Business survey (demand side)
12 Schedule January 3 rd – Submit Report of Preliminary Findings (Early Deliverables) Late January through mid March – Working Group meetings to discuss preliminary findings Late March through late May - TDA Team develops complete draft of Plan May 31 st - Draft Plan Available for Community Input for days Plan finalized within 60 days of all comments received
13 Wayne Freeman President and CEO, TDA, Inc