The Cottages At Hickory Crossing Dallas’ Premier Model of Permanent Supportive Housing A Status Report January 2011
Metrocare Services: Behavioral health services, fiscal agent Central Dallas CDC: Housing development CitySquare: Case management, public relations lead UT Southwestern: Program evaluation Metro Dallas Homeless Alliance:Intake & referral Dallas County Criminal Justice: Liaison to courts Supporting Partners Funding leadership: W.W. Caruth, Jr. Foundation Meadows Foundation Project management: Corporation for Supportive Housing Partners
Project Objective The Cottages at Hickory Crossing: A model permanent supportive housing community Goal: Develop and implement Texas’ premier model of permanent supportive housing, providing: On-site access to most services …including high-quality healthcare and social services Integration of services …a team approach to housing, healthcare and social services Improved behavioral health and physical health outcomes …and quality of life of individuals served by the program Cost savings to taxpayers …through reduced expenditures on public safety, behavioral health and healthcare Ongoing research and evaluation …of program and clinical outcomes to guide future programs
Project Concept Target Population: Chronically homeless who are involved in the criminal justice system, mentally ill, and/or have substance abuse issues Three-year Pilot: 50 units of permanent supportive housing with continued operation thereafter Evidence-Based Service Design: Housing-first, integrated clinical and social services Rigorous Evaluation: Including housing stability, public costs, and behavioral health outcomes
Project Location and Site
Unit Design bcWorkshop has developed a model for sustainable urban living, balancing living space with open space.
Tenant Selection Tenants will be referred by: MDHA via The Bridge The Dallas County criminal justice system Selection criteria include: Chronically Homeless Severe and persistent mental illness Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder Usually complicated by substance use history High cost to the public due to use of: County jail Homeless shelters Emergency rooms
Pilot Project W.W. Caruth, Jr. Foundation funded a transitional housing program that offered: Immediate relief for overcrowding at The Bridge An opportunity to pilot clinical approaches to this challenging population Program Characteristics: Duration: February 2009 to November 2010 Total enrollments: 142 Clients (“Phase 1” only = 97 clients): Male - 73% African American - 69%; Hispanic – 5% Bipolar – 46%; depression – 42%; schizophrenia – 12%
Pilot Project Outcomes Housing Outcomes: Total permanent placements: 78 (55%) Unsuccessful admissions:47 (33%) 60% of these were in program’s first six months Left without being placed:17 (12%) Functional Outcomes: Mental health symptoms decreased for all diagnoses ER visits:down 67% at 120 days Hospital days:down 67% at 90 days Jail days:down 80% at 120 days
Pilot Project Outcomes Financial Outcomes: Cost per client served: $ 9,400 Cost per successful placement:$17,000 Comparison of average monthly program costs: Pilot project:$ 1,400 Jail:$ 1,950 Hospital:$ 12,000 Community feedback: From CitySquare staff: “a marked difference between how well former COE residents are doing in permanent housing compared to the residents from shelters.”