Local Public Health System Assessment using the NPHPSP Local Instrument Essential Service 7 Link People to Needed Personal Health Services and Assure the Provision of Health Care when Otherwise Unavailable
7.1.1 Does the LPHS identify any populations who may experience barriers to personal health services? 1.No (0% or absolutely no activity) 2.Minimal (1% - 25%) 3.Moderate (26% - 50%) 4.Significant (51% - 75%) 5.Optimal (greater than 75%) 10
7.1.2 Has the LPHS identified the personal health service needs of populations in its jurisdiction? 1.No (0% or absolutely no activity) 2.Minimal (1% - 25%) 3.Moderate (26% - 50%) 4.Significant (51% - 75%) 5.Optimal (greater than 75%) 10
Have personal health service needs been identified for populations who may experience barriers to care? 1.No (0% or absolutely no activity) 2.Minimal (1% - 25%) 3.Moderate (26% - 50%) 4.Significant (51% - 75%) 5.Optimal (greater than 75%) 10
7.1.3 Has the LPHS assessed the extent to which personal health services in its jurisdiction are available to populations who may experience barriers to care? 1.No (0% or absolutely no activity) 2.Minimal (1% - 25%) 3.Moderate (26% - 50%) 4.Significant (51% - 75%) 5.Optimal (greater than 75%) 10
Has the LPHS assessed the extent to which personal health services are utilized by populations who may experience barriers to care? 1.No (0% or absolutely no activity) 2.Minimal (1% - 25%) 3.Moderate (26% - 50%) 4.Significant (51% - 75%) 5.Optimal (greater than 75%) 10
7.2.1 Does the LPHS link populations to needed personal health services? 1.No (0% or absolutely no activity) 2.Minimal (1% - 25%) 3.Moderate (26% - 50%) 4.Significant (51% - 75%) 5.Optimal (greater than 75%) 10
7.2.2 Does the LPHS provide assistance to vulnerable populations in accessing needed health services? 1.No (0% or absolutely no activity) 2.Minimal (1% - 25%) 3.Moderate (26% - 50%) 4.Significant (51% - 75%) 5.Optimal (greater than 75%) 10
Does this assistance include: Culturally and linguistically appropriate staff to assist population groups in obtaining personal health services? 1.No (0% or absolutely no activity) 2.Minimal (1% - 25%) 3.Moderate (26% - 50%) 4.Significant (51% - 75%) 5.Optimal (greater than 75%) 10
Does this assistance include: Culturally and linguistically appropriate materials? 1.No (0% or absolutely no activity) 2.Minimal (1% - 25%) 3.Moderate (26% - 50%) 4.Significant (51% - 75%) 5.Optimal (greater than 75%) 10
Does this assistance include: Transportation services for those with special needs? 1.No (0% or absolutely no activity) 2.Minimal (1% - 25%) 3.Moderate (26% - 50%) 4.Significant (51% - 75%) 5.Optimal (greater than 75%) 10
7.2.3 Does the LPHS have initiatives to enroll eligible individuals in public benefit program such as Medicaid, and/or other medical or prescription assistance programs? 1.No (0% or absolutely no activity) 2.Minimal (1% - 25%) 3.Moderate (26% - 50%) 4.Significant (51% - 75%) 5.Optimal (greater than 75%) 10
7.2.4 Does the LPHS coordinate the delivery of personal health and social services to optimize access to services for populations who may encounter barriers to care? 1.No (0% or absolutely no activity) 2.Minimal (1% - 25%) 3.Moderate (26% - 50%) 4.Significant (51% - 75%) 5.Optimal (greater than 75%) 10
Are services targeting the same populations co- located to optimize access? 1.No (0% or absolutely no activity) 2.Minimal (1% - 25%) 3.Moderate (26% - 50%) 4.Significant (51% - 75%) 5.Optimal (greater than 75%) 10
Are services targeting the same populations coordinated among providers to optimize access? 1.No (0% or absolutely no activity) 2.Minimal (1% - 25%) 3.Moderate (26% - 50%) 4.Significant (51% - 75%) 5.Optimal (greater than 75%) 10
Schools Recreation Centers Employers Transit Elected Officials Doctors EMS Law Enforcement Nursing Homes Fire Corrections Mental Health Faith Institutions Civic Groups Non-Profit Organizations Neighborhood Organizations Laboratories Home Health Community Health Centers Hospitals Tribal Health Drug Treatment Public Health Agency Thank You!