JFreeChart Assistant Tool (JAT) VJ Sudhakaran Anagha.K Madhu.Y Ramakrishnnan.V Vinaitheerthan.S
Project Management Activity organization Meeting and Reporting procedures Meetings are held every Thursday at 8:30 pm (Unless rescheduled). Each member is randomly assigned the task of Meeting Coordination, Minutes Maker and Time Keeper and the details are is posted on the website. All the documents will also be accessible from the group website at URL A mailing list was also created which will be used to exchange information and files between the members of the project. The list has the id
Project Management ( Contd.. ) Project Timeline Start Date: January 23rd 2003 Analysis and Design: February – March 2003 Implementation: March – April 2003 End Date: April 28th 2003 (Deadline)
Software Process Customized IEEE 1074 standard to suit the requirements Model Used Waterfall Model Installation Process Project Initiation Activities System Allocation Process Requirements Process Concept Exploration Process Implementation Process Verification & Validation Process Design Process
Why Waterfall Model? Low risk in areas like staff turnover. High risk in the area of schedule slippage. Low probability that the requirements will change during the course of development. Specification was very clear and unambiguous. Had a good understanding of the system due to the ready availability of the customer for clarification.
Status Report Basic Charts (Pie Chart, Bar Chart, Line Charts, XY Plots and Scatter Plots) Advanced Charts (Time Series with update method, High/Low/Open/Close Charts, Candle Stick charts, Gantt Charts, Wind Plots and Meter Plots). TODO: Combined Charts, Rigorous Testing Java Beans and User Manual.
Architectural Diagram (OO) Re ad Input Specification Master Control JFree Chart Knowledge base pre vie w Preview Generator Code Generator gen era te Output writ e
Implementation Input : Text Based Parser Used - Java CUP (COTS Component) Knowledge Base : Embedded inside the code Preview uses the Java RunTime system. Beans to be implemented using BDK.
Division of Work Interface Design Basic Charts (Everyone) Advanced Charts (Madhu) Input Module (Anagha and Vinai) Code Generation (VJ, Madhu and Ram) Integration (VJ and Madhu) Preview (VJ, Madhu and Ram) Documentation (Ram)
Testing Unit Testing (done by the individual working on that part) Peer to Peer Testing (Team members check each other code for correctness) Integration Testing (We are done with this but for Combined Charts and Time Series chart) Rigorous (Test for all possible test cases for the respective charts)
Tradeoffs Text Vs Graphical based inputs Type of Knowledge base to be used Efficiency Vs Feasibility (Timing constraint) XML or Hard Coding Automation of Code Generation phase (not done due to timing constraints)
Design Goals Use of COTS Maximum reuse User Friendliness High availability Concurrent Development
Problems Understanding the COTS component. Usage of Windows as the development platform (Inherently Unstable) Understanding a poorly documented software package (Guess what!!! JFreeChart) Arriving at a consensus in a team.
Nice aspects of the project Got exposed to a new software package and the concept of developing open source software products. Doing a project as a team needs a lot of patience. Productivity first, you get neither, quality first you get both.
“The JAT Effect…” JFreeChart Without JAT JFreeChart With JAT
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