1 Plans of Vienna SLHC Proposal Workshop 20. February 2008
2 Facilities
3 Strip-by-strip Test Setup Sensor in Light-tight Box Vacuum support jig is carrying the sensor –Mounted on freely movable table in X, Y and Z Needles to contact sensor bias line –fixed relative to sensor Needles to contact: –DC pad (p + implant) –AC pad (Metal layer) –Can contact ever single strip while table with sensor is moving 3
4 Strip-by-Strip Characterization What do we test? Global parameters: –IV-Curve: Dark current, Breakthrough –CV-Curve: Depletion voltage, Total Capacitance Strip Parameters e.g. –strip leakage current I strip –poly-silicon resistor R poly –coupling capacitance C ac –dielectric current I diel 4
5 Test structures Measurement Setup Instruments –Source Measurement Unit (SMU) –Voltage Source –LCR-Meter (Capacitance) Heart of the system: Crosspoint switching box, used to switch instruments to different needles Labview and GPIB used to control instruments and switching system Cold chuck will be provided by Karlsruhe 5
617 Sept Thomas Bergauer PQC Vienna
7 CMS Test Structures TS-CAP: –Coupling capacitance C AC to determine oxide thickness –IV-Curve: breakthrough voltage of oxide Sheet: –Aluminium resistivity –p + -impant resistivity –Polysilicon resistivity GCD: –Gate Controlled Diode –IV-Curve to determine surface current I surface –Characterize Si-SiO 2 interface CAP-TS-AC: –Inter-strip capacitance C int Baby-Sensor: –IV-Curve for dark current –Breakthrough CAP-TS-DC: –Inter-strip Resistance R int Diode: –CV-Curve to determine depletion voltage V depletion –Calculate resistivity of silicon bulk MOS: –CV-Curve to extract flatband voltage V flatband to characterize fixed oxide charges –For thick interstrip oxide (MOS1) –For thin readout oxide (MOS2) 7
8 Example of identified problems 8 Limit: R int > 1GΩ to have a good separation of neighbouring strips Each dot in the left plot shows one measurement Value started to getting below limit We reported this to the company Due to the long production pipeline, a significant amount of ~1000 sensors were affected Inter strip resistance issue during CMS sensor production
9 Other Facilities Longterm Setup –Dark current characterization for hours/days/weeks Wire bonding Machines –Semi-automatic Kulicke & Soffa (old) –Fully automatic Delvotec D coordinate measurement machine – Mitutoyo Euro-C apex 776
10 Sensor Design Electronic Design Automation Tool Mentor Graphics –ICstudio –ICstation –Physical design not drawn but “programmed” using simple language called AMPLE Status: We can draw simple strip sensors
11 Vienna Plans for SLHC Main topic: Sensor Design Connectivity: –Sensor design for dual metal layer –test structures for dual metal layer readout –Have 1 st test structures with dual metal layers processed with fab (ITE Warsaw, ON Semi)
12 Connectivity Occupancy reduction by segmentation of strips => Strixels Conventional pitch adapter and wire bonding not applicable anymore Readout chip has to be bump-bonded directly onto sensor –Cooling?
13 Connectivity TODO: –Reliable design for routing lines: short distances, low crosstalk –calculation of additional capacitance caused by routing lines (causing noise in the readout) –simulation of overhangs –Test structures with dual metal layers to verify optimal geometry experimentally
14 Bump-/Stud- bonding Readout chip must be connected upside down onto sensor (flip-chip bonding) Two methods: –Indium Bump-bonding needs treatment of both chip and sensor with indium Advantage: fine pitch –Stud-bonding doesn’t need special treatment 1 st step: Design to enable both, wire or flip-chip bonding with same chips and sensors Open point: Cooling
15 Summary –We cannot competitive with RD50, which works since years on new rad-hard materials. We should concentrate on other issues. –Intermediate Tracker will need strixels –Routing lines should be integrated into sensor –Flipchip-bonding of readout chip necessary, cheap stud-bonding preferred. –Effect on noise caused by increased strip length has to be investigated Capacitance of strip together with routing line unknown and complicated to calculate (Simulation?) –Correlation of this project with Tracker-Trigger ambitions unclear (to me) –We will not afford many wafer processing runs within this consortium (no external funding) Many things have to be tested cost-effective, e.g. test structures with dual metal layers by ITE Warsaw Extensive simulations before starting processing