Simulation tools for Upgrades NLO pQCD (W. Vogelsang) CTEQ6M5, DSS FF 200 GeV | |<1.0 q,g jets Direct Fragmentation (assume R AA = 0.2) Jets Photons 00 Counts per 2.5 GeV bin in 50B AuAu Events
Colorado Super Phenix Boulder Alex, Alan, Chris, Dave, Hugo, Martin. Matt Boulder Colorado March 13, Geant Congratulations it’s a …. simulation
Babies first X-ray (Simulation flow) PHPythia/PHHijing Geant 4 Response Reconstruction Input Particles Geant HitsDetector Hits It’s a real chain: Status can be saved on a file at any point Detectors under study implemented as active volumes – granularity is applied later in response. Run Geant once, and then play with detector layout noise, resolution, etc. We can overlay multiple events at input or geant hits level Phool Node tree Root File Nice plan, but ran into problems when dealing with showers
Babies first drawing (B=1T or so we thought) Single pion Pythia Rendering bug EmCal Si (Geant4 default physics processes) Pythia
GEANT4: Q-Pythia Dijet Event One month Columbia Single + Nine months, Geant4 + patch01/02 Basically Super Phenix is still in its infancy
Atlas 2010
7 Reconstructed secondary vertices due to hadronic interactions in minimum-bias events in the first layer of the Pixel detector (sensitive to interaction length λ complementary to γ conversion studies) Vertex mass veto applied against γ ee, K S 0 and Λ Vertex (R, Z) resolution ~ 250 μm (R <10 cm) to ~1 mm φ φ DataSimulation Pixel module Cooling pipe Cables C-fiber shell Bin size: 250 μ m Already very good, but can be improved !
LCG Simulation Project E. Garutti: LCG Phy. Val. meet. 10 June 2009 CALICE Preliminary Hadronic showers Report at LHCC comprehensive review, Feb 2010
What do we have now The same as we had in April (with newest G4 patch from Sept 2010) Implement your own – no problem as long as it’s a perfect cylinder or a rectangular box and made of standard materials At least it’s modular and integrated into our software framework, so you can easily include/drop detectors on a macro level
Make it a model for next generation phenix code Use only a subset of PHENIX code 64 bit from the beginning Database for material/geometry New root version Tap into all the work which has been done for LHC (e.g. interface to event Generators, geometry for embedding) Investigate grid computing basically avoid all mistakes we made with our previous sims Todo Geant4 is not your old so-so whatever simulation tool anymore which can be ignored because you know better. It will help us to make informed decisions about our detector design