Chapter 18 Classification. What is Classification? Classification is the grouping of objects or information based on similarities. Can you name some things.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 18 Classification

What is Classification? Classification is the grouping of objects or information based on similarities. Can you name some things that are classified in everyday life?

Why Classify? To put things in order To make things easier to find To show relationships To simplify organization What are some things that are classified in biology?

What is taxonomy? Branch of biology concerned with the grouping and the naming of organisms

Aristotle classified plants into three groups. Tall, woody plants were trees, medium plants were shrubs, and small, soft plants were called herbs

Problems with Aristotle’s System Too generic Very simple Did not include many organisms Did not base relationships on similarities

Late 1700’s, Carolus Linnaeus studied physical characteristics of living organisms.

Linnaeus’s System of Classification Selected physical characteristics as a basis for classification Examples of characteristics: means of locomotion, reproduction, and feeding mechanisms

Linnaeus Invented a New Naming System Binomial Nomenclature All organisms were categorized and given a genus and a species name

How Living Things are Classified Organisms are grouped into a series of categories called taxa, each one larger than the previous one.

Scientific names are written in Latin. Latin is no longer spoken, therefore, does not change as spoken languages do. “Universal naming system” Scientific names consist of the Genus and the species.

Scientific names are underlined or written in Italics. The first letter of the genus is always capitalized. The first letter of the species name is always lowercase. EX: Lynx rufus

How are these animal alike? All are in the order Carnivora

All are in the family Canidae

Both are in the genus Canis Canis familiaris Canis lupus

Includes Kingdom Eubacteria Includes Kingdom Archaebacteria Includes Kingdoms: Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia