Chap. 17 : Organizing Life I. Taxonomy - classification system of livng things based on a) structural b) chemical c) genetic d) behavioral and e) evolutionary relationships
A. Why have a classification system ? 1. To see how much alike or different organisms are 1. To see how much alike or different organisms are 2. To better understand organisms 2. To better understand organisms 3. To have a universal system and get rid of common names. Ex. Polecat, jellyfish, wooly bear 3. To have a universal system and get rid of common names. Ex. Polecat, jellyfish, wooly bear B. Taxonomists 1. Aristotle – divided living things into 2 groups : plant and animal 1. Aristotle – divided living things into 2 groups : plant and animal
Plant Animal herbs shrubs trees land air water Plant Animal herbs shrubs trees land air water 2. Carl Linnaeus – Father of Taxonomy 2. Carl Linnaeus – Father of Taxonomy --- made up the system of binomial nomenclature (2-word naming system that makes up an organism’s scientific name) --- made up the system of binomial nomenclature (2-word naming system that makes up an organism’s scientific name) --- Scientific name = Genus + species --- Scientific name = Genus + species (derived from latin) (derived from latin)
C. Classification System -Dancing kings play chess on fine green stools. -- Dumb king Phillip came over from Glasgow, Scotland. 1. Domain 1. Domain a. Bacteria – prokaryotic, true bacteria ex. Strept, e.coli a. Bacteria – prokaryotic, true bacteria ex. Strept, e.coli b. Archae – ancient bacteria b. Archae – ancient bacteria c. Eukarya – eukaryotic cells. Plants, animals, fungi,protist c. Eukarya – eukaryotic cells. Plants, animals, fungi,protist 2. Kingdom – 6 total 2. Kingdom – 6 total a. Eubacteria a. Eubacteria - true bacteria b. Archeabacteria – bacteria of extremes
c. Protista – one-celled usually, water environments, eukaryotes, ex. Amoebas, paramecium, euglena, algae. c. Protista – one-celled usually, water environments, eukaryotes, ex. Amoebas, paramecium, euglena, algae. d. Fungi – multicellular, feed off dead things, ex. Mushrooms, mold, mildew, ring worm d. Fungi – multicellular, feed off dead things, ex. Mushrooms, mold, mildew, ring worm e. Plantae – trees, flowers e. Plantae – trees, flowers f. Animalia – us f. Animalia – us 3. Phylum- called divisions in plants
4. Class 5. Order 6 Family 7. Genus 8. species – can interbreed and produce a viable offspring. -- race – subgroup of a species. Breeds in dogs -- race – subgroup of a species. Breeds in dogs Liger – dad lion mom tiger Tigon – dad tiger mom lion Zonkey
D. Human Classification Domain - Eukarya Kingdom – Animalia Phylum - Chordata – backbone Class – Mammalia – produce milk Order – Primate – have opposable thumb Family – Hominidae – walk upright Genus – Homo – highly developed brain Species – sapiens – modern man