Grouping organisms based on similarities Classification Grouping organisms based on similarities
Taxonomy Taxonomy is the branch of biology that groups and names organisms based on similar characteristics.
Early Taxonomy Aristotle- (384-322 BC) Grouped plants by size and animals by where they live. Not very affective Animals Plants Air –fly, bird, bat Herbs-sage, tea, pepper Water-seal, fish, frog Shrubs- grass, rose bush Land- dog, lizard, cat Trees- oak, pine, maple
Linnaeus’s System -Linnaeus (1707-1778) – grouped organisms based on structural similarities. Ex. Mammals have fur and reptiles have scales
Taxonomic Rankings -From larger groups to smaller groups Kingdom King Phylum Phillip Class Came Order Over Family For Genius Good Species Spaghetti
Binomial Nomenclature -used to name organisms -first word is genus (capital) -second word is species (lower case) Italicized when typed and underlined written. Ex. Homo sapiens = humans Homo= genus sapiens= species
Phylogenetic Trees and Cladograms Branching diagrams that shows the evolutionary history of organisms based on derived traits
Dichotomous Keys -dichotomous keys characterize organisms by splitting them into groups based on characteristics. Used to identify unknown organisms.
1.Has feathers yes go to 2 no go to 3 2. Swims yes go to 4 no go to 5 3. Has Legs yes go to 6 no go to 7 4. Duck 5. Hen 6. Lizard 7. Snake