The War of 1812 and the Rise of Nationalism
Jefferson’s Presidency Election of 1800 A bitter battle between John Adams (Federalist) and Thomas Jefferson (Republican) Mudslinging: Adams = a monarchist who would turn the White House into a brothel and the nation a slave to Britain. Jefferson = an atheist plotting with France to overthrow the United States
Impact of Burr on the Election of 1800 Burr’s popularity in NY helps the Republicans
Jefferson wins, but ties with his running mate Aaron Burr. Who will be Pres? Who will be VP? House of Representatives decides the election, with Alexander Hamilton swinging the support to TJ. 12th Amendment Electors cast separate ballots for Pres and VP
“The Revolution of 1800” Jefferson’s “peaceful revolution” The gov’t that governs best, governs least… Jefferson’s “peaceful revolution” First peaceful transfer of power! Jefferson seeks to “simplify” and reduce the power of the gov’t Symbolic gestures: Walks to inauguration Answers White House door No wig! Addresses Congress through letters, not in person Removes Whiskey Tax and Alien and Sedition Acts
Compromises with the Federalists Downsizing Gov’t Reduces the size of the Army/Navy “Mosquito Fleet” Stops construction of big warships begun under Adams Focuses on small gunboats for coastal defense. Used successfully against the Barbary Pirates Compromises with the Federalists Maintains the Bank of the U.S.
The Last Stand of the Federalists Election of 1800 marks the beginning of the end for the Federalist Party Judiciary Act of 1801 and the Midnight Judges Outgoing Federalist Congress passes the Judiciary Act – creates 16 new courts Adams appoints Federalist judges to fill vacancies…lifelong appointees John Marshall as Chief Justice
Louisiana Purchase Jefferson’s vision for America Negotiations with Napoleon New Orleans Louisiana? Less than 3 cents per acre Jefferson’s quandry & Federalist opposition Benefits of the LP