Practical work Course unit : BT 4034 /4035 (2013/2014) Department of Plant Sciences, University of Colombo Contribution N. N. MunasingheM. A. C. Madushani N. V. Wijewantha,W. A. G. B. Chandrasena M.S.A.E. Cooray,W. T. D. Abeywickrama D.M.D.N..Dissanayaka,G. R. P. S. Karunaratne P. N. HewavitharanaS.M.W. Ranwala S. RasakulendranA.G.S.Arambawaththa I. A. D. N. Dilrukski
Introduction Awissawella Wet Zone Botanic Gardens
Introduction Illukkowita, Awissawella, Western province 1 st Wet Zone Botanical Gardens Total area acres.
Objectives To place a historical record by revealing preliminary floristic details of the Avissawella Wet Zone Botanic gardens for the first time. To develop the first base map for ecological habitats of the site.
Methodology- vegetation sampling Woody plants-10 plots of 15 m ×15 m Cover abundance of Herbs - Braun-Blanquet scale using 20 plots of 2m x2m The distribution of woody species - Profile Diagrams Most important species – IVI values Geographic coordinates were obtained and produced a map - using Arc view software.
Results Most important woody species Syzygium caryophyllatum (Dan) Litsea longifolia (Rath kara) Symplocos cochinchinensis (Bombu) Mallotus tetracoccus (Kanda) Common herbs Mimosa pudica Desmodium spp. Urena lobata Axonopus spp. Spermacoce spp. Alysicarpus vaginalis
Profile diagram/distribution of the woody species of the arboretum
Developed by students Site map
Things we learnt and improved Team work
Things we learn and improve Nature lovers
Things we learnt and improved Leadership Planning and decision making
Things we learnt and improved Communication skills Flexibility among the members
Things we learnt and improved Fun
Further investigation – conducted by Dept. of PLANT SCIENCES
Acknowledgement Dr. S. W. Ranwala incharge of the course unit BT 4034/4035 Dept. of Plant Sciences Staff of the Seethawaka botanic gardens
Thank you