George Washington served two terms (8 years) as President ◦ After his second term, he voluntarily stepped down from being the executive ◦ In his farewell address he gave Americans two pieces of advice Avoid forming political parties – they would only divide the nation Remain neutral and avoid making permanent alliances with foreign nations.
Americans were divided over how the nation should be run. ◦ Two groups formed with differing ideas of how the nation should be run. Federalists Democratic - Republicans ◦ Political Party- is a group of people that tries to promote its ideas and influence the government. Political parties often support candidates who run for different offices, like Senate and House of Representative seats (openings in these houses) or even the presidency
Federalist Party Platform – Founder - Alexander Hamilton ◦ Strong National Government ◦ Favored a government run National Bank ◦ Supported Britain in their war with France ◦ Favored Lawyers, Merchants, Businessmen, Industrialists, Clergy, Wealthy class ◦ Economy based on Manufacturing, Industry, and Shipping and trade. (Business)
Democratic – Republican Party Platform – Founders -Thomas Jefferson & James Madison ◦ Limited national government ◦ Favored more power at the state level ◦ Opposed a government run National Bank ◦ Favored Farmers, Trades people, and the less wealthy working class ◦ Supported France in their war with Britain due to Frances cause: liberty ◦ Favored an Economy based on Farming