Spina Bifida Megan Morrisey
Scientific and Common Name Scientific name as well as common name is Spina Bifida However the 3 types are called Spina Bifida Occulta- Hidden Meningocele- Meninges push through hole of the back Myelomeningocele- Spinal cord and meningies push through hole of the back
Cause and Transmitted Spina Bifida is caused by the failure of the babies spine to close properly during the first month of pregnancy Most cases there is no familial connection Low levels of folic acid before and during pregnancy possibly partake in the cause Consume 0.4 mg per day through out first trimester Eggs, Orange juice, Dark green leafy vegetables Theory that viruses might play a role, since there is a higher rate of this defect in newborns during winter months High fever in pregnancy may increase a woman’s risk Women with epilepsy who have taken Valpriolic acid increases risk as well
Targeted Population No specific targeted population, anyone can get it 1 out of 800 babies are affected To reduce changes, it is recommended to take folic acid Women who have epilepsy and take valpriolc acid to control seizures have a higher risk
Where and How This condition can affect the entire length on the CNS, including the brain as well as the entire spine Most cases have lots of brain abnormalities, resulting in hydrocephalus
Symptoms Spina Bifida Occulta has no outward signs or symptoms besides a birthmark on the lower spine Spina Bifida Manifesta Loss of bladder/bowel control Loss of sensation Possibly paralysis of legs Weakness in hips, legs, and feet Possible abnormalities in feet Hydrocephalus Meningitis UTI’s
Prognosis Most individuals live well into adulthood depending on how bad their condition is Usually this condition can be surgically corrected if needed Problems occur later in life, as the individual hits puberty -More loss of function -Orthopedic problems -Foot/ankle deformities -Dislocation of hips Most individuals use a wheelchair, walker, or crutches
Vaccine or Treatment There is currently no cure or vaccine for this disorder Spina Bifida Occulta is hidden and leaves people unaffected There are two common treatments for Spina Bifida Manifesta -Prenatal- Surgery is taken place between 19 and 25 weeks of pregnancy. The uterus is opened up to where the baby’s back is in sight and the sac is removed. The fetus and mother are then examined and followed up with weekly ultrasounds. There is a planned cesarean birth at 37 weeks. -Postnatal- The same surgery is taken place but 24 to 48 hours after a cesarean birth at 37 weeks. A cesarean birth is planned incase a sac is present. Prenatal treatment is proven to be the most beneficial though most dangerous
Celebrities Jean Driscoll- Competed in the Paralympics after being recruited to play wheelchair basketball of University of Illinois and later joining the track team Aaron Fotheringham- Started riding at skate parks with his wheelchair at the age of 8.Started competing in the BMX competitions and was later the first person to ever land a double back flip in a wheelchair.
Organizations The Spina Bifida Association Non-profit association that provides information and referrals through a clearinghouse and number you can call Promotes research into the causes, treatment and prevention of Spina Bifida As well as conducts public awareness campaigns and encourages socialization and training for people with Spina Bifida
Resources Neurological institute of neurological disorders and stroke. (2012). Retrieved from http://www.ninds.nih.gov/find_people/voluntary_orgs/volorg213.htm David, Z. (2011, March 15). Pubmed health. Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0002525/ Ucsf benioff childrens. (2011, June 1). Retrieved from http://www.ucsfbenioffchildrens.org/conditions/spina_bifida/treatment.html (2005). Retrieved from website: http://www.childrenshospital.org/az/Site1062/mainpageS1062P1.html