Product differentiation methods BY GROUP6
Questionnaire When it comes to shampoo and body wash, which brands do you think of ? What's your favorite brand of shampoo or body wash? Why do you choose this brand? Will you choose a specific brand? What's your acceptable price interval ? If the price of the brand you often use goes up, will you choose another one? If not,why?
Charts Brand awareness Brand loyalty Shampoo
Charts Brand awareness Brand loyalty Body wash
Results Top three well-known brands: Shampoo: 1.Rejoice 2. Head&Shoulders 3.VS Sassoon Body wash: 1. Johnson 2.Dove 3. Safeguard Top three brands that frequently purchased: Shampoo: 1.Rejoice 2.VS Sassoon 3. Pantene Body wash: 1.Dove 2.Johnson 3.Safeguard Top three reasons why people choose the brand: Shampoo: 1.Popularity 2.Function 3.Public praise Body wash:1.Popularity 2.Public praise 3.Function
Product differentiation product (1)Shampoo Rejoice—Hair texture Head&Shoulders—Dandruff VS Sassoon—Professional salon (2)Body wash Johnson—baby care & natural ingredients &medical effects Dove—beauty nourishment Safeguard—nonirritant & detergency & protective effect
Marketing mix Product differentiation ProductPricePromotionPlace Rejoicehair conditioner, essence, family care ¥ 9.9~40 TV ads, famous stars, suit sales Supermarket, small store Head& Shoulders Men use, Hair conditioner ¥ 25~60 TV ads, famous stars Supermarket, online VS Sassoon Elastin( 弹力 素 ), essence, Conditioner ¥ 40~90 TV ads, foreigners Supermarket Shampoo
Marketing mix Product differentiation ProductPricePromotionPlace JohnsonConsumer product, medical devices ¥ 15~40 Online ads, TV ads, Cute babies Supermarket, on line, small store DoveHair care, men care, deodorant ¥ 25~50 TV ads, ordinary people Supermarket, online, small store SafeguardSoap, Hand Sanitizer ( 洗手液 ) ¥ 18~45 Soap : ¥ 5~10 TV ads, doctor, simple packaging Supermarket, online, small store Body wash
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