Rose Taylor 1
Each participant will understand the relationship of data-based differentiated instruction, RtI, action research, and improving learning for student subgroups. Each participant will draft an action research project to be implemented September, 2009 to May,
Directions: Specify whether you agree or disagree with each statement. With students you will want an explanation or evidence of their after reading/learning 1. Educators should follow the steps of action research in a linear fashion. 2. One piece of data can provide teachers with enough information needed to identify the specific needs of a particular student or group of students. 3. In order to get the maximum benefits from action research, educators should have a working knowledge of statistics. 4. An educator has completed the action research process once all steps have been implemented. 5. Most educators participate in action research to some degree. 6. Because action research involves the collection of data, it alleviates the need for educators to make educated guesses regarding student learning. 7. Engaging in action research allows educators to assess and reflect on the effectiveness of their teaching practices, and can improve learning with student subgroups. Adapted from FLaRE Action Research Module (Kelly & Rawlinson, 2003) 3
Reflect for 2 minutes on evidence-based instruction. Quickwrite for 2 minutes on what evidence- based instruction should look like in your classroom. Or if you are not a classroom teacher-- Quickwrite for 2 minutes on what what you can do to enhance the frequency of evidence- based instruction in classrooms. 4
Quickwrite: What does scaffold instruction mean to you? Provide an example. 5
3 minute purposeful talk: Turn to your neighbor and share. How do you implement data-based differentiated instruction? What data do you use? How does data-based differentiated instruction improve learning of student subgroups? 7
Differentiate Resources Time Intensity Instruction Do not differentiate expectations. Differentiate to provide varying levels of support to achieve on-grade level learning. 8
Think about: How does RtI relate to data-based differentiated instruction? 9
Incorporate evidence-based instruction consistently. Scaffold students to success by moving from high support to low support. Incorporate data-based differentiated instruction. (RtI) Analyze data by student subgroups. Share with and receive feedback from your Professional Learning Community (PLC). 10
Quickwrite: What is action research? 11
----(2004). Improving student learning through classroom action research: A guide to becoming an action researcher. Tallahassee, FL: FLDOE * Note that page numbers in parenthesis refer to the above text. Four Steps (Page 13) 1. Identify a classroom problem and goal for improvement 2. Develop and implement an action plan 3. Collect and analyze data/evidence 4. Use and share results 12
Well use action research to take a step by step approach for trying these, and other ideas. Then, you will measure the result in student learning and in your own learning. 13
Analyze students learning. Collect baseline data. (Report data by subgroups: gender, race, ELL, ESE, poverty) Reflect on your teaching strategies. Think about available resources. Ask: Is the problem I want to study within my control? Can I attain this goal? Is it appropriate for my students? 14
Review available sources of evidence-based instructional strategies related to the identified problem.(Professional organization websites, journals, etc.) Attend a professional development on the identified problem. Consult with knowledgeable colleagues or resources. Read a professional text on solutions for the identified problem 15
ExamplesNon-examplesProblem statement, goal, & action When writing essays, 14 of my students do not write on topic, do not use transition words, resulting in limited clear communication. (Note: Data comes from a careful analysis of errors in student writing.) Student essays are not well written and do not make a lot of sense. Fourteen students do not score at 3+ using the FCAT Writes rubric. The problem is planning for the writing. The goal is for students to write well planned essays. Action: I will teach and model planning strategies, use guided practice, and after success move to independent practice. In mathematics the 5 students who are levels1-2 on FCAT Mathematics need practice the most & do not do their homework. (Note: Could you interview students? Survey them related to attitude, anxiety?) I cant get all of the students to complete their mathematics homework. Five students (levels1-2) do not do mathematics homework. The problem is lack of success in class. The goal is for independent success in class. Action: I will teach/model and work intensely with target students to be sure each is successful before assigning homework. 16
Think, pair, share: What is your baseline data source? Share with a knowledgeable colleague, receive feedback, edit. 17
Identify desired change. Be specific and measurable Indicate evidence/data to collect. Be time limited (reasonable). Research Question Example: Will explicit instruction (teach, model, guided practice, independent practice) in planning writing improve students essays so essays are organized and focused scoring 3+ on the writing rubric by the end of the first semester? 18
Share with a knowledgeable colleague, receive feedback, edit. 19
Answer these questions. What is the instructional focus? What strategies will you use? What do you want to change for your students? What do you need to do to implement this change? 20
Be consistent in implementation of instructional strategies. Implement with fidelity. This means implement as the strategy was designed, researched, and proven to be effective. Monitor student results. Look at the questions you answered. Can you be consistent? What else do you need to know? 21
How will you know if the actions made a difference in learning? What 3 kinds of data or evidence will you collect? What support will you need from colleagues? What support will you need from curriculum resource teachers and professional development teachers? 22
Look at the example on page 34. Ask your trusted colleague a question you have about it. Turn to page 35. Complete the chart with your action research project. Share with your trusted colleague. Receive feedback. Edit. Share with the larger group. 23
ActivitiesTimelineResources Develop action research projectSept. 11, 2010Improve Student Learning Through Classroom Action Research, A Teachers Guide to RtI and Problem Solving, ppt, colleagues, district staff 24
What support do I need from colleagues? What support do I need from district staff? What resources do I need? What is working? What is not working and needs to be changed? What change should I make? 25
Implement, reflect, gather data, revise, etc. Mid-year plan to share what has been learned, including evidence of student learning (such as student work, attitude surveys, interviews, observations, and monitoring data). 26
A characteristic of high performing teams is that they represent diverse expertise, have a common goal, and hold each other professionally accountable. Quickwrite: Besides yourself and your students, who has learned from your participation in action research? What plans do you have for continued sharing? What accountability is there in the school or district for the learning and sharing?
Differentiation can be in resources, time, intensity, or instruction to achieve on-grade level standards. If differentiation is in the level of expectations, then that would be tracking. How have I differentiated support for learning?
What students have received the most benefit from my action research project? White African American Hispanic Males/females ELL Special education Poverty How do you know?
What data have you collected? What evidence have you collected? Student work Observations Student attitude Survey results Interviews Monitoring assessment data Share with a colleague. Select the best to share with the group.
One of the greatest benefits to action research is making the learning public and accountable within your PLC, school, and district. How will you share your results? Consider the format that follows for formalizing what you have done and learned. Consider making a 3-panel display or electronic format for sharing. 32
Teacher ResearcherName School or Department Issue or Topic: Problem statement, goal, actions to be taken (Written in early fall.) Research Hypothesis: Research question Principals SignatureDate 33
What student data formed the baseline? What research resources, i.e., books, documents, texts were studied? Knowledgeable colleagues consulted? What student demographic groups were used and how were they selected? AYP subgroups (gender, ethnicity, poverty, ELL) What strategies were implemented during the study? What changes did you make as a result of findings along the way? What was the timeline for the study? 34
Classroom Problem: Provide a description of your identified classroom problem. Research Process: Provide a detailed description of your research process. Actions that you took Data-based differentiated instruction Collection and Analysis: Provide a narrative summary of the data collected and analyzed data. Use at least 3 forms of data or evidence. Support the analysis with subgroup data (graphic display?). Who improved the most? Males or females? ELL or English proficient students? Students of poverty? You may want to scan/photograph and attach samples of student work as evidence of the problem/baseline data and positive change. 35
Action: Provide a summary of your instructional decisions based on your analyzed data. Professional Reflection: What did you learn through this process? How did conducting action research impact your teaching? With whom did you share your action research? Collaborate with others? Provide professional development for others on action research? Share results in PLC or teams or school? Abstract of the action research project: Write an abstract of 100 words or less identifying the problem statement, research questions, results, conclusions, and the next steps in continued learning. Have a colleague read and provide feedback before you finalize the abstract. 36
Three points to remember… Ideas that square with my beliefs… Things going around in my head… 37
---(2004). Improving student learning through classroom action research: A guide to becoming an action researcher. Tallahassee: FLDOE. ---(2009). A teachers guide to RtI and problem solving. Tallahassee, FL: FLDOE. Dana, N. F. & Yendol-Silva, D. (2003). The reflective practitioners guide to classroom research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. Hendricks, C. (2006). Improving schools through action research. Boston: Pearson. Pine, G. J. (2009). Teacher action research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Sagor, R. (2005). The action research guidebook. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. 38