The Legacy of Cleopatra By: Leah Clemmer
The Only Pharaoh … Cleopatra was the only pharaoh in the 300-year Ptolemaic dynasty who could actually speak Egyptian. &start=4&um=1&tbnid=xic3WDgd7owm7M:&tbnh=86&tbnw=131&prev=/images%3Fq%3Degyptian%2B writing%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1
Lead by example Learned her political lessons by watching the humiliating efforts of her father to maintain himself on the throne of Egypt by buying the support of powerful Romans. details/Painting+Family:+The+De+Brays+Masterpainters+Of+The+ Dutch+17th+Century/
Sibling Love Cleopatra shared the throne with her younger brother-husband, Ptolemy XIII. As strange as that sounds to us now, brothers and sisters marrying was not uncommon for the royalty of ancient Egypt (sometimes it was the only way for a woman to rule) details/Painting+Family:+The+De+Brays+Masterpainters+Of+The+Dutch+ 17th+Century/
Tragedy After Caesarion was born, Cleopatra and her son left Egypt for Rome in 46 BC to be with Caesar. Unfortunately, the relationship ended in tragedy when Caesar was assassinated some of his former friends in 44 BC
Love Triangle -Antony left his wife around 37 BC and soon met up with Cleopatra again. He hoped she would help him gain more power and lands. The two joined forces politically and personally. They married and had a third child together Ptolemy Philadelphus. With their children, they ruled many lands besides Egypt, including Cyprus, Crete, and Syria.
Falsely Deceived Soon after Antony killed himself. By some accounts, he did this after hearing a false report that Cleopatra was dead. Cleopatra did not want to be captured by Octavian so she committed suicide in 30 BC. (Some reports say she poisoned herself and another popular story goes that Cleopatra died after letting a poisonous asp, a type of snake, bite her.) Wfrig/default.jpg
The Loss of the Pharaoh She probably used an asp (an Egyptian cobra snake) for the job because Egyptian religion said death by snakebite would ensure immortality.
A Great Woman "She captivated the two greatest Romans of her day, and because of the third she destroyed herself."
Interesting Tactics had herself delivered to Julius Caesar's presence in a rug and won his support.
A Luring Woman She is irresistible to men is undeniable; she is also dangerous. Like a black widow spider, she lures Antony into her lair, uses him sexually, and, by robbing him of his reason, renders him powerless. a/cleopatra.htm
Works Cited “Cleopatra - Biography -." 21 May “Cleopatra Biography | Encyclopedia of World Biography Biography." Book Summaries, Study Guides. 21 May "Cleopatra Queen of Egypt Biography." Women's History - Comprehensive Women's History Research Guide. 21 May Information and facts about Cleopatra." Essortment Articles: Free Online Articles on Health, Science, Education & More.. 28 May "Shakespeare's Cleopatra: Sexual Conquerer - Associated Content." Associated Content - 21 May 2009.