Slogans analyze 499440562 應用美術系 三年級 陳婕薇. 安心去防曬 ( 安耐曬 )


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Presentation transcript:

Slogans analyze 應用美術系 三年級 陳婕薇

安心去防曬 ( 安耐曬 )

This slogan also responds this product’s name. You use this sun block and take a sunbath.However you will not get a sunburn and then you can exercise in the sun.

整個城市就是我的咖啡館 (CITY CAFÉ)

CITY CAFÉ is 7-11’s coffee. These slogan means that you can buy CITY CAFÉ in 7-11 because you can see convenient stores which are everywhere.

ALWAYS OPEN ! (7-11 統一超商 )

These slogan is meaning that 7-11 will open 24 hours and non stop giving customers the best service and fulfill their needs. You can buy whatever you want in the store and 7-11 will provide it for you.

一次買好,就是頂好 ( 頂好超市 )

You can buy anything what you want in the Wellcome supermarket. There have fresh fruits, vegetables and convenience goods. This slogan means that you go to Wellcome supermarket,you can buy all the items at once.

幸福不是你擁有甚麼, 而是如何看到你所擁有的 國泰金融集團 - 天使之翼形象廣告

This is Cathay’s new commercial film slogan. I think it mean people who live here is not lack of happiness. However you not open the eyes to found happiness. Love what you have, and see those beautiful. Begin to find happiness!