Unit 28 聽力測驗 — III. 簡短對話 主講人 陳慧琪 老師. ( 四 ) 題型分類 a. 我們將常考的主題情境歸納為十大類: (1) 衣服 & 天氣 (2) 方向 (3) 家庭生活 (4) 飲食 (5) 消 遣 (6) 時刻表 (7) 學校生活 (8) 購物 (9) 生病 & 健 康 (10)


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 28 聽力測驗 — III. 簡短對話 主講人 陳慧琪 老師

( 四 ) 題型分類 a. 我們將常考的主題情境歸納為十大類: (1) 衣服 & 天氣 (2) 方向 (3) 家庭生活 (4) 飲食 (5) 消 遣 (6) 時刻表 (7) 學校生活 (8) 購物 (9) 生病 & 健 康 (10) 旅遊 b. 每一個主題情境提供有五個對話,每個對 話出現三個問題。

主題 1 :衣服 + 天氣 第一題: 1. ___ A. It's going to rain. B. It's going to be cold. C. It's going to be hot.

2. ___ A. He wants to play tennis. B. He wants to go shopping. C. He wants to buy summer clothes.

3. ___ A. He should play tennis tomorrow. B. He should stay home. C. He should find some cool clothes.

第一段對話 : 女 : It’s going to get very hot tomorrow. I hope you have some summer clothes. 男 : No, actually, I don’t. And I am going to play tennis tomorrow. 女 : Well, you’d better ( 最好 ) find something to wear first. 男 : Sure.

Questions: 1. What does the woman say about the weather? A. It's going to rain. B. It's going to be cold. C. It's going to be hot. 正解 : C

2. What does the man want to do tomorrow? A. He wants to play tennis. B. He wants to go shopping. C. He wants to buy summer clothes. 正解 : A

3. What does the woman suggest to the man? A. He should play tennis tomorrow. B. He should stay home. C. He should find some cool clothes. 正解 : C

第二題: 1. ___ A. They are patients. B. They are students. C. They are monkeys.

2. ___ A. Because she's busy. B. Because the library is closed. C. Because it's too hot.

3. ___ A. They are probably going to go to class. B. They are probably going to go to the park. C. They are probably going to go to the library.

第二段對話 : 男 : Hey, would you like to go to the park after class? 女 : To the park? In this weather? 男 : You’re right. It’s very hot. 女 : Why don’t we go to the library ( 圖書館 )? 男 : OK.

Questions 1. Who are the speakers? A. They are patients. B. They are students. C. They are monkeys. 正解 : B

2. Why doesn’t the woman accept the man’s invitation? A. Because she's busy. B. Because the library is closed. C. Because it's too hot. 正解 : C

3. Where are the woman and the man probably going to go? A. They are probably going to go to class. B. They are probably going to go to the park. C. They are probably going to go to the library. 正解 : C

主題 2 :方向 第三題: 1. ___ A. They're in a supermarket. B. They're in an office. C. They're in a department store.

2. ___ A. She is a customer. B. She is a sales clerk. C. She is a police officer.

3. ___ A. To the right of the shoe department. B. Next to the shoe department. C. Across from the shoe department.

第三段對話 : 男 : Excuse me, I’m looking for men’s clothing. 女 : Men’s clothing. That’s down the hall to your right, across from ( 對面 ) the shoe department. 男 : OK, great. Thanks a lot. And don’t you have a sale ( 拍賣 ) on men’s sweaters ( 毛衣 ) ? 女 : I think so. But I work in the women’s department, so I really don’t know. 男 : OK, thanks, anyway.

Questions 1. Where does this conversation take place? A. They're in a supermarket. B. They're in an office. C. They're in a department store. 正解 : C

2. Who is the woman? A. She is a customer. B. She is a sales clerk. C. She is a police officer. 正解 : B

3. Where is the men’s department? A. To the right of the shoe department. B. Next to the shoe department. C. Across from the shoe department. 正解 : C

第四題: 1. ___ A. She's looking for a bakery. B. She's looking for a bank. C. She's looking for a supermarket.

2. ___ A. She wants to buy French bread. B. She wants to get some money. C. She wants to eat some cake.

3. ___ A. He says it's very good. B. He says it's very bad. C. He says it's very expensive.

第四段對話 : 女 : Isn’t there a bakery ( 麵包店 ) around here? 男 : A bakery? Let me see. Oh, yes, there’s one just around the corner, between the bank and the supermarket. It’s got the best French bread in town. 女 : Really, that’s just what I wanted to buy. 男 : And the chocolate cake is great too. 女 : Well, thanks. I’ll go there right now.

Questions 1. What is she looking for? A. She's looking for a bakery. B. She's looking for a bank. C. She's looking for a supermarket. 正解 : A

2. What does the woman want to do? A. She wants to buy French bread. B. She wants to get some money. C. She wants to eat some cake. 正解 : A

3. What does the man say about the chocolate cake? A. He says it's very good. B. He says it's very bad. C. He says it's very expensive. 正解 : A