D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership Our vision is a more prosperous, better connected, and increasingly resilient and competitive economy
ESIF Programme EU Structural & Investment Funds European Social Fund (ESF) £97.7m European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) £104.4m European Agriculture Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) £6,055,134
Overview of ESF Funding Skills and Employment Allocation % funding (specifications)£26.75m 50% co-funding (projects / calls)£32.1m Total£58.85m Strategic Objectives Support the development of a more highly skilled and qualified workforce across D2N2 Improve the alignment between the supply of skills in D2N2 and employer demand by making the skills system more responsive Increase levels of employment by creating jobs and reducing levels of unemployment ESF is accessed via open and competitive processes run by Opt-in organisations that provide match funding, or the Managing Agent (DWP) for the ‘open calls’.
Opt-in Models for ESF In its ESIF Strategy, D2N2 has agreed to ‘opt in’ to the service from the following organisations: The Skills Funding Agency The Department for Work and Pensions The Big Lottery Fund YOUTH ENGAGEMENT CAREERS Local EMPLOY Local SKILLS Local Raising aspirations of the future workforce Creating opportunities and matching people to jobs, apprenticeships and graduate roles TIME2CHANGE Changing mind- sets and supporting access to employment Engagement and support for Young People and NEETs Supporting workforce development and business growth SOCIAL INCLUSION Tackling poverty and improve social inclusion through ENGAGEMENT and NAVIGATION
Opt-in Models for ESF Skills Funding Agency will procure D2N2 contracts via its web based e-tendering portal service – BravoSolution. Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) will procure D2N2 contracts via their web based e- tendering service. pensions/about/procurement pensions/about/procurement Big Lottery Fund ‘Building Better Opportunities’ (£13.4m). Programme Development Fund is being managed by One East Midlands.
D2N2 Growth Hub