2 WHAT IS THE SSAC? Established in November 1980 –It is an Independent Statutory Body, funded by the Department for Work and Pensions –It is the main UK advisory body on social security and related matters, such as links with the labour market and wider social welfare issues –The legislation governing SSAC is The Social Security Administration Act 1992 section 170 et seq and schedule 5
3 WHY THE SSAC? Some anachronisms of title and remit, but social security legislation underpins and drives the DWP’s programmes and services (New Deals, Work Focused Interviews, Direct Payments etc) Social Security law is complex - SSAC is there to look both at the detail and at the broad picture. The Committee is independent of Government, the Department and sectional interests.
4 MEMBERSHIP The Committee has 14 Members: –The Chairman - Sir Richard Tilt –‘employee’ representative –‘employer’representative –Experience of disability –DSD NI Members have a range of interests and expertise. They are appointed by the Secretary of State for 3 years (renewable) Fees/exenpses are paid
5 RESPONSIBILITIES Advises the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions on a wide range of social security matters. Has the power to scrutinise and report on proposals for social security secondary legislation. The Committee offers advice in confidence to Treasury Ministers on Tax Credits. Advises the Secretary of State on DWP’s public information strategy and products.
6 HOW SSAC WORKS Programme of monthly meetings –scrutiny of proposals for regulations and presentations on work in progress in DWP and elsewhere, including stakeholder organisations Other work done in Member’s own time - in particular the scrutiny of information products Wide ranging programme of visits to operational sites, regular meetings with Ministers and senior officials
7 CURRENT ISSUES The Annual report sets out current policy and operational issues and concerns Balancing its independent work programme with the demands of the core ‘regulations’ business Test running scrutiny of ‘6 months rule regs against the progressing Welfare Reform and Pension Acts The future of the HMRC role The future of the ‘public information’ role
8 Gill Saunders Ethna Hartnett Bob Elbert New Court, 48 Carey Street, London WC2A 2LS Tel: Fax: Website: THE SECRETARIAT