V1.0 Revised Skill Conditionality Referral Process
Department for Work & Pensions 2 Background Revised Skill Conditionality referral process following a high court Judicial review Legal council has reviewed and amended all the communications and processes of the manadatory schemes under the Schemes for Assisting Persons to Obtain Employment (SAPOE) Regulations This is to ensure that we comply with the Legal Framework imposed upon the Department by legislation and Judicial Review rulings, and to prevent further legal challenges DWP has introduced a new two stage referral process with immediate effect from the 16 th February 2015 The two staged approach must be employed because a one stage approach does not meet legal compliance
Department for Work & Pensions 3 Provide full details of the training Address Date and time of the appointment Notify JCP single point of contact (SPOC) initial assessment details Confirm next steps and availability of provision Explain to claimants the minimum standards of service you expect from them Provider Responsibilities
Department for Work & Pensions 4 JCP Responsibilities -Work Coach Action Claimants must : Be assessed to ensure the provision is suitable and relevant to them Understand what activity they will be undertaking whilst on provision Have the opportunity to discuss the course relevance with their Work Coach prior to commencing provision At this point the claimants should be given an option to raise any objections if they feel the training is not appropriate for them If the claimant does so, the Work Coach will need to inform the claimant why they still believe the training is the most suitable option for them Following this open discussion the claimant can then be mandated to the training There is also a discussion between the WC and the claimant to discuss learning objectives which form part of the claimant commitment This supports a DWP process and ensures that sanctions are not imposed in circumstances which would be unfair
Department for Work & Pensions Letters 5 The Skill Conditionality referral process and notification letters have been amended to ensure that only a two stage approach is completed in future Letters must not be amended locally. Any changes may lead to a legal challenge Letters gives further information on activities, phone number, time, start date and clearly states Jobseeker responsibilities It gives further emphasis about complaints and the minimum standards of service you can expect from the provider
Department for Work & Pensions 6 Any Questions
Department for Work & Pensions 7 DWP Contacts Marie Curran E- Mail Simone Liberis