Chapter 8 Presentations--- Things ya ought to know. PERIOD 7
Questions How many American Firms turned out 10,000,000 bikes? Where was the first Ferris Wheel introduced? Where did Tennis Originate? 312 World Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893 North Wales
Questions Between___ and ___ most states required 12 to 16 weeks for school annually. Answer: Between 1865 and Who added kindergarten to public schools? William Torrey Harris What was the primary need for high schools? Answer: Industrial age demanded a higher level of education.
1.By the turn of the century what percentage of Americans had college degrees? 2. Name two of the three Universities founded by Blacks after the Civil War? 3. What was the difference in Washington and Du Bois’s philosophy? 2.3 % Howard, Atlanta and Fisk Washington believed that blacks should learn labor skills, while Du Bois thought that they should learn liberal art subjects.
1)What captivated reader’s attention to the American Newspaper? Answers: Sensational headlines 1)Some books sold for a mere ten cents hence their name”_______ __________” Answer: Dime Novel
Questions How many Chinese Immigrants lived in the US by 1880? ______ were important in the development of mining and agriculture in the southwest region. What caused the Chinese exclusion acts? A. 5 B. 20,000 C. 100,000 D. 6 billion A. Americans B. Irish C. Italians D. Mexicans A. job competition B. land C. culture clash D. bad food
1.What type of books did people prefer to read? - Light Fiction 2.What comet passed over the year Mark Twain was born? - Halley’s Comet 3.What attempts were made to raise cultural standards? - Art Galleries and libraries
1.Most Department stores had how many floors? 4 2. Chain Stores sold the same merchandise as department stores but for how much? A. More B. The Same C. Less 3. Montgomery Ward and Sears Roebuck were the first to bring what to small towns? A. Department Stores B. Chain Stores C. Retail Merchandise D. The Bargain Basements
Questions 1.Why were African Americans punished during the 1880’s and 1890’s? A. They were punished if they did not follow racial etiquette. B. Because they did not wear the Jewish Star. C. Because they quit working on the railroad. D. Because they formed labor unions and held strikes. Answer: A 2.List two things that showed inequality of rank between blacks and whites. Answer: Shaking hands. Yielding sidewalks.
More Questions 3.Racial Etiquette means – A. racial Discrimination B. informal rules and customs C. removal from schools D. none of the above Answer: B 4.Name two ways blacks faced discrimination in the north. Answer:Segregated neighborhoods Labor unions discouraged black membership Employers hired blacks as last resort Fired blacks before whites
1.What was the percent in 1910 of African Americans between ages of 15 and 19 that attended high school? 2.Who established the Sociology department in Highland Park Michigan? 3.What church opposed the reading of the (Protestant) King James Version of the Bible? A.3 % B.25% C.6% A.Henry Ford B.John Cadillac C.Theodore Johnson A.Orthodox B.Catholic C.Baptist
1.The first successful flight was on December 17, t or f=t 2.What was the literacy rate by 1890 was 90%- t or f=t 3.The first flight was at Kitty Hawk, NC? T or f=t
1.When were freed slaves allowed to vote? A) January 11, 1867 B) January 1, 1867 C) March 30, What did Blacks have to pay in order to vote? A) Poll Tax B) Jim Crow Laws C) voter’s tax 3.What was the issue in the Plessy vs. Ferguson case? A) a black man sat in a “White’s Only” part of a train. B) a white man sat in a “Blacks Only” part of a train. C) the Supreme Court ruled that segregation was illegal. 4.What law was named after an old minstrel song “Jump, Jim Crow”? A) Jimmy Cracked Corn Law B) Jim Crow Laws C) Jim Crawfish Law
Where would people go to listen to telegraphed transmissions of boxing matches? – Hotel lobbies, barbershops. By the 1850s, how many baseball clubs had sprung up? – 50 What professional team toured the country in 1869? – Cincinnati Red Stockings When were National League and American League formed? – 1876, 1900 What were the two baseball leagues for African Americans named? – Negro National League and Negro American League
Questions What two reasons made it possible to build taller buildings? The invention of the elevator and the development of internal steel skeletons Which American city became the first to electrify its urban transit? a.San Diego b.New York c.Richmond d.San Francisco c. Richmond
Before the 1800’s, people could not take pictures of _____. A. dark areas, B. negative space, C. movement Because of photojournalism, what major event in history was caught on film? A. the civil war, B. Wright brothers first flight, C. Caesar's death