■ Essential Question: ■ I will demonstrate my understanding of basic Islamic beliefs by completing reading questions and drawing pictures that represent.


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Presentation transcript:

■ Essential Question: ■ I will demonstrate my understanding of basic Islamic beliefs by completing reading questions and drawing pictures that represent each belief. ■ Warm-Up Question: – On the next slide

Warm Up Questions 1 ) What was the nature of pre-Islamic bedouin religion? A) Most of the bedouin were Christians. B) Most of the bedouin were Jews. C) Bedouin religion for most clans was a blend of animism and polytheism focusing on the worship of nature spirits. D) The bedouin were strictly monotheists who worshipped Allah. E) The bedouins had no religious beliefs. 2 ) When did Muhammad receive the first revelations that were eventually written down in the Quran? E) 711 C.E. A) 550 C.E. B) 610 C.E. C) 622 C.E. D) 632 C.E. C B

The Teachings of Islam ■ Directions: – Read each section from the packet about 1 aspect of Islam – After reading the section, answer the 3 questions & create an illustration in the star – Be prepared to discuss your answers

The Teachings of Islam

The First Pillar: Shahadah “There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the messenger of God”

The Second Pillar: Salat

The Third Pillar: Zakat

The Fourth Pillar: Siyam

The Fifth Pillar: Hajj



Closure Activity: Review Quiz