Writing Two-Digit Numbers
Where is the number that is five more than 20?
Where is the number that is one before 40?
Where is the number that is five before 80?
I need seven student volunteers to represent a number using your fingers in groups of tens and ones. What do you notice about the number? How can you use the tens and ones parts to read the number? Work with a partner to write the digits on your expanders. Be ready to say the number name by using the digits written in the tens and ones place. Example: “___ tens is ____ and ____ ones is ____” What number name will we write for this number? Sixty-eight What numeral will we write for sixty-eight? 68
I need six student volunteers to represent a number using your fingers in groups of tens and ones. What do you notice about the number? How can you use the tens and ones parts to read the number? Work with a partner to write the digits on your expanders. Be ready to say the number name by using the digits written in the tens and ones place. Example: “___ tens is ____ and ____ ones is ____” What number name will we write for this number? Fifty-Three What numeral will we write for sixty-eight? 53
I need four student volunteers to represent a number using your fingers in groups of tens and ones. What do you notice about the number? How can you use the tens and ones parts to read the number? Work with a partner to write the digits on your expanders. Be ready to say the number name by using the digits written in the tens and ones place. Example: “___ tens is ____ and ____ ones is ____” What number name will we write for this number? Thirty-Five What numeral will we write for sixty-eight? 35
I need five student volunteers to represent a number using your fingers in groups of tens and ones. What do you notice about the number? How can you use the tens and ones parts to read the number? Work with a partner to write the digits on your expanders. Be ready to say the number name by using the digits written in the tens and ones place. Example: “___ tens is ____ and ____ ones is ____” What number name will we write for this number? Forty-One What numeral will we write for sixty-eight? 41
I need two student volunteers to represent a number using your fingers in groups of tens and ones. What do you notice about the number? How can you use the tens and ones parts to read the number? Work with a partner to write the digits on your expanders. Be ready to say the number name by using the digits written in the tens and ones place. Example: “___ tens is ____ and ____ ones is ____” What number name will we write for this number? Four Teen What numeral will we write for sixty-eight? 14
I need four student volunteers to represent a number using your fingers in groups of tens and ones. What do you notice about the number? How can you use the tens and ones parts to read the number? Work with a partner to write the digits on your expanders. Be ready to say the number name by using the digits written in the tens and ones place. Example: “___ tens is ____ and ____ ones is ____” What number name will we write for this number? Forty What numeral will we write for sixty-eight? 40
84 How many tens does this number have? How many ones does this number have? What number name do we say for this number? How do 84 and 48 compare? What tells you that the values are different when you hear the numbers? What do you hear first- the value of the tens or the value of the ones?