Dissertations Using APA* Style: M.U.M. Guidelines Prepared by Martin Schmidt, MLIS, MBA Edited by Suzanne A. Vesely, MLIS, PhD *Based on the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.– 6th ed. and the M.U.M. Dissertation Manual 2011.
Organization of Dissertation Abstract Title Page (Separate from dissertation for UMI) Abstract (Separate from dissertation) Title Page Copyright Page Certificate of Approval Dedication Page (optional) Epigraph Page (optional)
Organization of Dissertation, Cont. Acknowledgment Page (optional) Abstract Table of Contents List of Tables List of Figures/Plates/Illustrations Text (body of the dissertation) Bibliography/References Appendix (if necessary)
Abstract Title Page Title of Dissertation double spaced and starts 2.5 inches from the top Name of author, 4.5 inches from the top. All items are centered on the title page. Abstract, underlined, 6 inches from the top UMI requires that we submit a separate abstract, signed by your dissertation supervisor, with a separate title page, which is not part of your dissertation.
Abstract First Page Abstract, 2 inches from the top, title case, in bold. Abstract double spaced and not longer than 350 words. “1” (Arabic numeral, ½ inch from the top and at least 1 inch from the right Text starts four lines below “Abstract”. Care must be taken in the preparation of the abstract since it will appear in Dissertation Abstracts International without further editing or revision. You will include the same abstract in your dissertation. This separate abstract is a special UMI requirement. 1
Abstract Second Page Signature of your dissertation supervisor Title and department of dissertation supervisor Date “2” (Arabic numeral, ½ inch from the top and at least 1 inch from the right 2
Dissertation Title Page All items are centered. Title starts 2.5 inches from the top. Dissertation title formatted in “title case” (APA Figure 2.1, Table 3.1) Name 4.5 inches from the top “A Dissertation” starts 7 inches from top. Title is double space. (entire Dissertation is double spaced) No page number on title page. Your actual dissertation starts with the title page.
Copyright Page Page numbers with roman numeral lower case located 1 inch from the right ½ inch from the top. Use this sample trademark statement on the copyright page and the first occurrence of a trade mark in the text. Copyright statement. Add all additional service marks and trademarks that you use in your dissertation.
Certificate of Approval 1.5 inches from the top, title case. 3 inches from the top 4 inches from the top All members must sign in dark, black ink. Author's name in upper- and lower-case letters exactly as on the title page. full unabbreviated name of the specific degree: Doctor of Philosophy degree, etc. Month and year the degree was conferred. iii
Dedication Page (Optional) No heading for the dedication page. Not longer than one page. Center 3 inches from the top. iv
Epigraph Page (Optional) Center quotation 3 inches from the top. List quotation source flush right and include only author and title of work in italics. Do not include author in bibliography if not cited in the main text. v
Acknowledgement Page (Optional) Acknowledgements in bold, centered in title case 2 inches from the top of the page. The text begins on the 2nd line below the heading and is double-spaced. The text is limited to thanks for or recognition of special assistance, but may also include recognition of permissions granted to the author to use published and/or copyrighted material. vi
Abstract Abstract, 2 inches from top in boldface, title case. Abstract, double spaced and not longer than 350 words. Text of abstract same as the one submitted with the abstract title page. vii
Table number column on left Table of Contents Table number column on left
5-level Headings Example for Table of Contents Heading Level 1: in text: centered, boldface, title case. Your paragraph begins below indented like a regular paragraph. Heading Level 2: in text: flush left, boldface, title case. Your paragraph begins below indented 0.5 in., like a regular paragraph. Heading Level 3: in text: indented 0.5 “, boldface, lowercase paragraph heading with a period. Your paragraph begins right after Heading. Heading Level 4: in text: indented 0.5”, boldface, italicized. Lowercase paragraph heading ending with a period. Your paragraph begins right after Heading. Heading Level 5: in text: indented 0.5”, italicized, lowercase paragraph heading ending with a period (not shown). Your paragraph begins right after Heading. Sample Table of Contents with 5 Levels.
Tables List Required if Three or More List of Tables should include the exact title headings of the table, and the number of the page on which it appears. List of Tables starts two inches from the top. Tables are labeled information arranged in columns and rows use most often to display technical data. For more details see APA 6th, 5.07 to 5.19. IX
List of Figures starts two inches from the top. List of Figures should include the exact title headings of the table, and the number of the page on which it appears. Figures are visual presentations that include graphs, maps, photographs, unified field charts, and so on. X
Text (first page) Chapter title starts 2 inches from the top, centered. Put title case in bold for the introduction. Do not use “Introduction” as a heading. (APA 2.05) Page number ½ inch from the top and at least one inch from the right side Entire Dissertation is double spaced. Left, right, and bottom margins are 1 inch.
Text (Body of Dissertation) One inch margin on all four sides: top, bottom, left, and right. Page number ½ inch from the top and at least one inch from the right side Entire dissertation is double spaced. Footnotes are double spaced. Use this sample TM trademark statement on the copyright page and the first occurrence of a trade mark in the text. Add all additional TM service marks and trademarks that you use in your dissertation.
Sample Figure Note that legend is under the figure and note style: all on one line, Figure number in italics and title follows
Sample Table Note that legend is at the top of a table and note style of legend: Table number on one line and title on second line in italics.
Bibliography/References APA Style “References” starts on new page centered, bold, title case, 2 inches from the top of the page. Each entry is double spaced The first line of each reference starts at the left margin and the following lines are indented by ½ inch. One inch margin all around: bottom, left, right, and top (first page 2 inches from top). The bibliography or list of references includes all works cited within the text. Sources that you have consulted during the preparation and writing of the dissertation, but not actually cited, should be listed separately as Secondary References. 455
Appendix (if Necessary) Appendix two inches from the top. Title of Appendix 459