Word Splash Place value Expanded form millions thousands whole numbers tens hundreds Greater than Less than numeral period Standar d form ones.


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Presentation transcript:

Word Splash Place value Expanded form millions thousands whole numbers tens hundreds Greater than Less than numeral period Standar d form ones

Place Value

I Place ValueWord Bank Key Concepts Illustration

Place Value 0bjective 4.1A The student is expected to: Use place value to read, write, compare, & order whole #s through 999,999,999

Word Bank Place Value place valueonesgreater than > periodtensless than < whole numbershundreds numeralthousands digitsmillions standard form expanded form

Vocabulary place value – the value determined by the position of a digit in a number period – ex. million, thousands, ones whole numbers – numbers on the left side of the decimal numeral – number digits – 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,&9 standard form – a number written with one digit for each place value expanded form – showing the value of each digit of a number greater than - > less than - <

Brainpopjr Place Value

Place Value millions thousands ones,,

I Place ValueWord Bank Key ConceptsIllustration Create a 5 sentence story using 5 Word Bank words Illustrate your story using 3 or more colors & give it a background