Leonardo Fibonacci By: Cullen Schoen
Picture of Leonardo
Biography Mathematician Born: c Died: c Birthplace: Pisa, Italy Best known as: The guy who brought the Hindu-Arabic number system to Europe Leonardo Fibonacci introduced to Europe and popularized the Hindu- Arabic number system (also called the decimal system). Fibonacci was also known as Leonardo of Pisa. He contributed greatly to number theory, and during his life published many important texts, including Liber abbaci (1202), Practica geometriae (1220) and Liber quadratorum (1225). He is also known for the Fibonacci Series, a numerical series found frequently in the natural world. In the sequence, each number is equal to the sum of the preceding two (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21...).
Facts Fibonacci is considered to be one of the most talented mathematicians for the Middle Ages. Few people realize that it was Fibonacci that gave us our decimal number system (Hindu- Arabic numbering system) which replaced the Roman Numeral system. He introduced us to the bar we use in fractions, previous to this, the numerator has quotations around it.
More Facts It has been said that the Fibonacci numbers are Nature's numbering system and apply to the growth of living things, including cells, petals on a flower, wheat, honeycomb, pine cones and much more. He wrote many books like, Liber Abbaci (The Book of Calculation), 1202 (1228) Practica Geometriae (The Practice of Geometry), 1220 Liber Quadratorum (The Book of Square Numbers), 1225 Flos (The Flower), 1225 Letter to Master Theodore
Extra Important Facts Also referred to as Leonard of Pisa, Fibonacci was an Italian number theorist. It is believed that Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci was born in the 13th century, in 1170 (approximately) and that he died in Fibonacci was born in Italy but obtained his education in North Africa. Very little is known about him or his family and there are no photographs or drawings of him. Much of the information about Fibonacci has been gathered by his autobiographical notes which he included in his books.