IP Warmup What is the biggest obstacle for you to earn an “A” on the research project? Intro GPE and KE Formulas GPE and KE Practice Problems Alternate Energy Resource Project Due Thursday
IP Warmup What are the units for used for Energy? Review GPE and KE Problems More GPE and KE Practice Problems Alternate Energy Resource Project Due Thursday
IP Warmup SIP Day/Testing Day
IP Warmup What is the number used for acceleration due to gravity? GPE and KE Problems Due Alternate Energy Resource Project Due Present Projects
IP Warmup Why is Wind Energy a good alternative Energy Resource for our area of the country? Complete Energy Presentations
IP Warmup Provide an example of a simple machine. Intro Simple Machines/Pre test/Notes nes/
IP Warmup List and Describe one type of simple machine. Simple Machines PowerPoint Activity Simple Machines Web quest (Extra Credit)
IP Warmup What is the primary purpose of a simple machine? Intro Rube Goldberg Videos Practice Drawing
IP Warmup What is the purpose of a Rube Goldberg? Create your own Rube Goldberg Complete the Rube Goldberg Project Worksheet (While you are working on the Lab)
IP Warmup Watch the video the write down your thoughts on it for today’s warmup. Rube Goldberg Follow-up Questions Rube Goldberg Group Quiz
IP Warmup What is the primary source of Energy for Earth? Review Worksheets for Energy Unit 1 Assessment
IP Warmup How much time did you spend preparing for this test? Review Worksheets Due Unit 1 Energy Assessment Earthweek Articles Summaries
IP Warmup What type of energy does a mousetrap use/provide? Earthweek Summaries Due Begin Mousetrap Car Lab Assign Lab Groups Explain the Building Process Worksheet Instructions/iPad PowerPoint Exit Daily Journal
IP No School Parent/Teacher Conferences
IP No School
IP No School
IP Warmup What types of Energy does a Mousetrap car create? Continue Mousetrap Car Lab
IP Warmup What were some issues (if any) with building your mousetrap cars? Continue Mousetrap Car Lab
IP Warmup What changes and adjustments have you made to the MTC throughout the building and testing process? Continue Mousetrap Car Lab Complete Building and testing Begin Data Collection
IP Warmup What is Speed? Complete Data Collection Answer Analysis and Conclusion Questions Self Grade Rubric/Complete Lab
IP Warmup How is your MTC affected when additional weight is added? Continue MTC Lab/Analysis Questions
IP Warmup Reflect on the MTC lab and record 2 things that you learned about Physics from this lab. Complete MTC Data Collection Complete Analysis/Conclusion Questions
IP Warmup What is a star? MTC Lab Questions Complete Peer Evaluations Star Reading
IP Warmup What type of star is our Sun? Stellar Evolution Notes H-R Diagram Worksheet
IP Warmup What is the hottest color of stars? Review HR Diagram Mythbusters
IP Warmup What is an Atom? Intro Electron Unit Atomic Structure Notes
IP Warmup What are the parts of an atom? Atomic Structure Review Atomic Structure Practice worksheets
IP Warmup Intro Electrostatics Phet Class Demonstration (John Travolta and Balloons)
IP No School Thanksgiving Day
IP No School
IP Warmup What happens (typically in the winter) when you rub your feet on the carpet and then touch someone? Intro Electrostatics Phet Class Demonstration (John Travolta and Balloons)
IP Warmup Why are the electrons the part of the atom that moves and not the proton? Phet Demonstrations (John Travolta and Balloons) Electrostatic Notes Electrostatics Student Demos
IP Warmup Describe Static Electricity in your own words. Periodic Table Quiz Complete Phet Simulations Electrostatics Notes Quiz Electrostatics Observation Lab
IP Warmup Describe how electricity moves through a wire. Review Electrostatics Quiz Electricity Notes Ohm’s Law Problems
IP Warmup
IP Warmup What is the difference between current and voltage? Review Current and Voltage Problems Resistance and Mixed Problems Worksheet Series Circuit Worksheets
IP Warmup Describe a Series Circuit. Review Series Circuit Diagrams Circuit PowerPoint/Notes Parallel Circuit Worksheets
IP Warmup Describe one difference between a series and a parallel circuit. Circuit Board Lab Practice
IP Warmup How is the current different in a series versus a parallel? Circuit Board Lab Final Review Packet
IP Warmup What did you learn about circuits from the lab? Midterm Assessment Final Review Packet
IP Final Exam Review Final Exams Wednesday 4,8,6 Thursday 3
IP Final Exam Review Final Exams Wednesday 4,8,6 Thursday 3