(Which you’re not, but this is still a good way to learn outlining…)
Help a writer to put things in order Help a writer see where gaps in information exist Give a “road map” of the paper to make writing easier
Everything is written using a combination of Roman numerals (I, II, III, IV, and so on), capital letters, Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, 4, and so on), and lower case letters Everything is done in pairs (or more): if you have a I, you must have a II, an “A” must have a “B”, a “1” must have a “2”, and an “a” must have a “b”
1.Roman number I comes first, and that will be your introductory paragraph 2.Capital letter A comes next, indented one tab, and that is your first body paragraph 3.Arabic numerals 1, 2, 3 and so come next, indented one more tab, and they are the details to use in your first body paragraph 4.Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each body paragraph, using successive capital letters 5.Roman numeral II comes last, and that is your concluding parargraph
I. Preparing for a research paper can be challenging. A. Finding a topic 1. Must be interesting 2. Not too broad or narrow Topic of your paper First reason preparing for a research paper is challenging How finding a topic is challenging
B. Gathering research 1. Finding sources 2. Evaluating validity of information Second reason preparing for a research paper is challenging How gathering research is challenging
C. Organizing information 1. Sorting note cards 2. Writing outline based on note cards Third reason preparing for a research paper is challenging How organizing information is challenging
II. Preparing for a research paper can be challenging due to its many steps, but the end result is worth the effort. Conclusion of your paper; restates your topic
I.Preparing for a research paper can be challenging. A. Finding a topic 1. Must be interesting 2. Not too broad or narrow B. Gathering research 1. Finding sources 2. Evaluating validity of information C. Organizing information 1. Sorting note cards 2. Writing outline based on note cards II. Preparing for a research paper can be challenging due to its many steps, but the end result is worth the effort.