GLOBAL HARMONIZATION TASK FORCE (GHTF) UPDATE: PLANNING THE 2012 ACTIVITIES Laurent Sellès DHoU SANCO B2 “Cosmetics and Medical Devices” CAMD Competent Authorities’ Meeting on Medical Devices
Global Harmonisation Task Force - Conceived in 1992, rotation of Chairmanship every 3 years - Purpose: international harmonization in MD regulations for safety, effectiveness, performance adequacy/quality of MDs - Publication of harmonized guidance docs on regulatory practices. - Guidance docs for adoption by Regulatory Authorities. - GHTF cooperates with Asian Harmonisation Working Party AHWP
May 2011 Europe’s participation in GHTF Steering Committee Laurent Sellès (COM) - Matthias Neumann (DE) Joanna Kilkowska (PL) – Jean-Claude Ghislain (FR) Benny Ons (EDMA) - François Simondet (EUROM VI) Jean-Yves Carentz (Eucomed) – Nicole Denjoy (COCIR) SG1 Premarket evaluation Chair [N. Shadeed (CAN)] P. Bischoff-Everding (COM) Alan Green (EUROM VI) Peter Linders (COCIR) _______________ SG1 Subgroup IVD Marie-Lise Migueres (FR) C é line Bourguignon (COM) Benny Ons (EDMA) Michael Thein (EDMA) Petra Kaars Wiele (EDMA) SG2 Post market surveillance /vigilance Chair Isabelle Demade (COM) Carmen Ruiz-Vilar (ES) Ekkehard St ö sslein (DE) Philippe Auclair (Eucomed) Bertram König (Eurom VI) SG3 Quality system Chair Egan Cobbold (CAN) Rainer Edelh ä user (DE) Carlos Arglebe (Cocir) Emmett Evereux (Eucomed) SG4 Auditing Chair Jan Welch (USA) Maintenance mode Peter Studer (CH) Philippe Lartigue (Cocir) Bertram Koenig (EuromVI) Fran ç ois Simondet ( EuromVI) Stefan Preiss (EU NB) John Worroll (EU NB) SG5 Clinical safety & Performance Chair S. Ludgate (UK) Wolfgang Ecker (AT) Isabel Scuntaro (CH) Benny Ons (EDMA) Christian Bailleul (Eucomed) Peter Rattke (COCIR) AHWG GMDN (Chair Rohan Hammett AUS) Susanne H ö ke (COM) AHWG “ UDI ” Chair: Laurent Sell è s (COM) Matthias Neumann (DE) Jesus Rueda (EDMA) Volker Zeinar(Eucomed) AHWG “ IAF ” (International Accreditation Forum) Chair: Roland Rotter/Egan Cobbold (CAN)
European coordination Information of progress of reflection: -MDEG (June, November 2010) and CA meetings (March, September 2010, February 2011) -Regular preparatory meetings prior to GHTF Steering Committee sessions (MS, Industry invited) In the Steering Committee, MS represented - by DE, NL, IT (in ) - by DE, IT, PL (in ) - by DE, PL, FR (in 2011)
STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING May 2011 BRISBANE At the Steering Committee (SC) meeting in Brisbane: - Japan (SC Chair) decided to : - cancel the SC meeting planned in October maintain the two SC meetings April and October will be for ‘closing the books’. -A conference could be part of an SC meeting and acknowledge the achievements of GHTF.
SG2 work programme Finalize N111 on the def. & classification of FSCA. Finalize N87 on the electronic transfer of AE data between MFRs, Authorised Reps and NCAs. Publication of info on the SG2 NCARs Exchange Programme (incl. NCARs stats) on GHTF website. Prior to GHTF closure…
SG2-SG5 joint action Completion of the proposed guidance on AE reporting during pre-market clinical investigation. Also in 2012…
SG1-SG5 joint action Finalization of the proposed documents: Clinical evidence for IVDs: key definitions & concepts. Clinical evidence for IVDs: scientific validity determination and performance evaluation. Under development: Clinical performance studies for IVDs. Also in 2012…