SPECIES AT RISK – PAGE 11 In Canada, species are given one of five levels based on how much at risk they are.
Extinct [12 in Canada] Any species that no longer exists anywhere on earth. Great auk hunted Banff long-nosed dace accidental Labrador duck hunted
2. Extirpated [21 in Canada] Any species that no longer exists anywhere in Canada. Timber rattlesnake persecuted Frosted elfin accidental Black-footed ferret eliminated food
3. Endangered [141 in Canada] Any species close to extinction in all, or part, of Canada. Swift fox persecuted Northern cricket frog accidental Eskimo curlew hunted
4. Threatened [99 in Canada] Any species likely to become endangered, if things don’t change. Wood bison disease Least bittern accidental Killer whale pollution
5.Vulnerable (Special Concern) [142 in Canada] Any species that is at risk due to low or declining numbers. Grizzly bear persecuted Spotted turtle pet trade Peregrine falcon pollution
a.Size Both eat a similar diet, BUT one eats much more & so needs to move more to find more food Larger animals need: more food; more space.
A carnivore is at greater risk because its food may become rare more readily than a herbivore’s food will become rare. The frog is at more risk than the shrew as it eats only crickets b. Diet Also, a specific diet is riskier than a general diet.
c. Biotic Potential Mice breed much faster than buffalo. Birth rate, survival to reproductive age, births per year and births per lifetime are all part of this.
d. Range of Species An animal that has a small species range is at greater risk as something may happen to that range.. The species at left has a smaller range and so is at a greater risk.
e. Range - Individual A larger individual range puts the species at greater risk as they roam to find food, mate, etc.
f. Human Interactions Killed from fear; Some animals do well around people and some do not. by cars. Some avoid humans; Some are poisoned.
FOLLOW-UP ASSIGNMENT Now lets try to put some of this knowledge into practice. turn to chart on next page
ABCDEF diet size biotic potential range -species human interactions small large herbivore carnivore omnivore high low highlow large small manyfew many few range- individual smalllargesmalllargesmalllarge negative traits; A –1; B – 4; C – 4; D – 1 ½ ; E – 5; F – 2 ½