Micro-tearing induced electron transport A.R. Field 1, R.J. Akers 1, D.J. Applegate 1, W. Guttenfelder 2, M.Reshko 3, C.M.Roach 1, R. Scannell 1, M.Valovic 1 and the MAST team 1 Euratom/UKAEA Fusion Association, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, OXON, OX14 3DB, UK 2 Centre for Fusion, Space and Astrophysics, Dept. of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL. 3 Department of Physics, University of York, Heslington, York, YO10 5DD, UK. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work, carried out under the European Fusion Development Agreement, supported by the United Kingdom Engineering, Physical Sciences Research Council and the European Communities, has been carried out within the contract of Association between EURATOM and UKAEA. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the European Commission." ITPA Confinement and Transport Meeting 5 th -7 th October 2009 PPPL, USA
ST Transport paradigm ExB High ExB shear, driven by tangential NBI heating, suppresses ion scale turbulence i reduced to ion neo-classical level but e remains highly anomalous Non-linear electron-scale (ETG) simulations exhibit radially elongated streamers Streamers result in e e Exp ~ 5 m 2 /s, much larger than mixing length estimate Ion scale simulations also exhibit extended modes of tearing parity, -tearing modes Stochasticity from non-linearly saturated -tearing may enhance electron transport GS2: Linear growth rates GS2: Non-linear electron scale
H-mode transport, low * Electron heat flux dominates total heat loss in low- * H-mode discharge Ion heat flux is close to the ion neo-classical level from NCLASS
ETG transport: Modelling and predictive calculations ETG (GYRO) simulations, incl. E B shear to quantify e dependence on q & Comparison of exp/model e indicates large transport near mid-radius (very sensitive to gradients) GYRO simulations Walter Guttenfelder
Linear micro-tearing simulations Properties: Linear instability with (as ITG) and tearing parity, i.e. at tearing layer Driven by free-energy in T e gradient and unstable at high > 0.1 Collisional drive (thermal force, electron de-trapping) not important in ST plasmas Magnetic drifts and electro-static effects play an important role Electro-static potentialParallel vector potentialParallel electric fieldParallel current density Islands formed by at higher-order rational surfaces, e.g. 34/25 Stochastic field at high mode amplitudes could enhance electron transport Exist in region where theory breaks down, current layer width and
Non-linear micro-tearing simulations Observed in gyro-kinetic simulations of MAST (GS2) and NSTX (GENE) Simulations challenging: extended || to B and fine scale structures to B Small time step to resolve fast e.m. fluctuations together with slow growth rate Non-linear simulations required CPU hours on COLUMBUS cluster Electro-static field Vector potential Potential fluctuations Calculations made tractable by increasing n e and to reduce parallel extent Also, limited number (4) of poloidal modes ( )
Improved collision operator in GS2 Convergence problem due to dominance of largest k x component Gyro-averaged pitch-angle scattering operator – partial improvement Hyper-diffusion term (mimics shearing effect of eddy diffusion) successful Effect of gyro-averaged pitch angle scattering Effect of hyper-diffusion Higher resolution ( ) run performed to test convergence Greater resolution increases magnitude of field perturbation, i.e. not converged Phase change with sudden transition to stochastic field at threshold amplitude
Transition to stochastic field at threshold amplitude J || perturbation at plane of intersection of flux tube with LFS mid-plane Poincaré puncture plot of magnetic field shows transition to stochastic field t = 532 t = 598 Stochastic field would result in enhanced radial electron heat transport Need to quantify stochastisation and calculate the thermal diffusivity On-going studies of influence of sheared flow – D. Dickenson, York University
2010: Trial PCI high-k turbulence system Measure k ~ 10 cm -1 (k i ~ 6) near peak of ETG range n/n ~ 4x10 -4 ~10x below predicted turbulence level (GS2) Localization from change in field line angle along LoS Relatively simple and cheap c.f. -wave scattering – detector from NIFS Presently under consideration whether to proceed CO 2 laser housing Present:Retro-reflector Proposed:Split 20% of power and relay to PCI imaging optics and sensitive HgCdTe detector array LoS double-pass of plasma Clive Michael
2009: NdYAG TS Upgrade Stage 1 (M7a/b): Eight 30Hz, 1.5J lasers with ‘burst mode’ event triggering, NTMs, pellets, etc Stage 2 (M7c from Sept. ‘09): 120 spatial points with ~ 1 cm resolution (300 point Ruby TS system retained) R. Scannell et al., Rev. Sci. Inst Collection lensSpectrometers
Possible experimental tests Theory predicts strong dependences on: Beta - dimensionless scan (planned for MAST) Field curvature - aspect ratio scan (at fixed and e.g. DIII-D/NSTX/MAST) Measurable signatures might be: Parallel current fluctuations – fast polarimetry measurements? B r perturbations due to J || fluctuations may be detectable on radial polarimetry chord Stochastic regions around island chains – high-resolution TS measurements? Statisical analysis of relation between L Te and q profile (high-resolution TS & MSE) How to distinguish ETG from micro-tearing? ETG expected to have strong dependence on q/s Significant ETG transport requires development of streamers, k r << k ETG transport exhibits critical T e behaviour Theoretical statements on parametric dependencies required for micro-tearing