1 Community College Feedback Reports Tuesday, November 15, 2011 Mark Williams, IL Joan Roddenberry, FL Karl Pond, NC
180,421 students tracked from FY 2007 to FY % transferred from a Community College (N = 51,760) 7 % transferred from University to a University (N = 13192) 64% remained at the same University (N=115,469) Source: ICCA, ISEG & NSC data to track non-returning students Report still in pilot and not released Number & Average Cumulative GPA Breakouts – with & without an Associate Degree College level & Statewide tables included (Sample = College level) Information on Community College Transfers, Transfers between Universities, & those Without Transfer Credits Illinois
Illinois Community College Board Illinois Shared Enrollment and Graduation Consortium Illinois Higher Education Consortium TABLE 1 COMMUNITY COLLEGE NAME COMMUNITY COLLEGE FEEDBACK REPORT OVERALL RESULTS FISCAL YEAR 20XX STUDENT ASSOCIATE DEGREE STATUS TOTAL 1: NON-DEGREE STUDENT2: ASSOC DEGREE STUDENT CUMULATIVE GPA NMeanN N UNIVERSITY NAME Chicago State University Eastern Illinois University Governors State University Illinois State University Northeastern Ill University Northern Illinois University PRIVATE 4 YEAR S I U - Carbondale S I U - Edwardsville U of I - Chicago U of I - Urbana/Champaign Western Illinois University ALL UNIVERSITIES Illinois
Mandated by Legislature Developed by a joint committee involving community college and university personnel Produced annually by UNC-General Administration Reports on transfers to the 16 campus UNC system Aggregate reports for the community college system as well as individual community college reports 4 North Carolina
Transfer Student Performance Report Based on cohorts of students Performance data after two semesters at a UNC institution Graduation, Retention, Persistence Report Tracks transfer students for 10 years Reports available at: 5 North Carolina
Uses of reports: Program improvement Accountability Performance funding 6 North Carolina
Contact Info and Resources: Mark Williams, Joan Roddenberry, Karl Pond, To Request SST Support: Fill out a TA Request Form on GRADS 8 Community College Feedback Reports