1 Kerri Procida Power Point Presentation Upper Anatomy Extremities Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.
2 Axial neck trunk Appendicular upper limbs lower limbs Cranial brain within the axial cavity Vertebral spinal cord within the axial cavity Thoracic organs are viscera within the axial cavity Abdominopelvic organs are viscera
3 Frontal Forms the anterior portion of the skull Is one bone, grows in 2 parts Includes: forehead roof of nasal cavity roofs of orbits frontal sinuses
4 Includes: cervical vertebrae (7) thoracic vertebrae (12) lumbar vertebrae (5) sacrum coccyx
5 Extends from skull to pelvis Forms vertical axis Composed of many bony parts called vertebrae Separated by intervertebral discs Connected by ligaments Function is to support head and trunk of body Cervical curvature Thoracic curvature Lumbar curvature Sacral curvature Rib facets Vertebra prominens
6 Triangular shape Composed of five fused vertebrae Located between hip bones Forms the posterior wall Includes: median sacral crest posterior sacral foramina posterior wall of pelvic cavity sacral promontory
7 Also called tailbone Lowest part of vertebrae column Variations of 3-5 Attached by ligaments Serves as attachment for muscles Four fused vertebrae around age 25-30
8 Includes: Ribs Sternum Function: Supports shoulder girdle and upper limbs Protects viscera Role in breathing
9 True ribs (7) False ribs (5) floating (2)
10 Also called breastbone Midline in anterior portion of thoracic cage Develops in 3 parts: upper manubrium middle body lower xiphoid
11 Also called shoulder girdle Composed of 4 parts: clavicles (2) scapulae (2) Supports upper limbs Incomplete ring Attachment for several muscles
12 Help hold shoulders in place Very weak Slender, rod-like bones Elongated S-shapes Located at base of neck Provide attachments for muscles for: upper limbs chest back Articulate with scapulae (acromion process) Articulate with manubrium
13 Divided into unequal parts by the spine Supraspinous fossa (above spine) Infraspinous fossa (below spine) Acromion process Coracoid process Glenoid cavity
14 Composed of: Humerus Radius Ulna Carpals Metacarpals Phalanges
15 Head 2 processes (provide attachments for muscle movement: Greater tubercle Lesser tubercle Anatomical neck Surgical neck Deltoid tuberosity Capitulum Trochlea Coronoid fossa Olecranon fossa
16 Located on thumb side of forearm Shorter then ulna Radial notch allows rotation Radial tuberosity attachment for muscle (biceps brachii) Styloid process attachment for ligaments of wrist
17 Overlaps humerus Trochlear notch wrench-like opening Olecranon process above trochlear notch attachment for muscle (triceps brachii) Coronoid process below trochlear notch Styloid process distal end of ulna attachment for ligaments of wrist
18 Carpals (16) trapezium trapezoid capitate scaphoid pisiform triquetrum hamate lunate Metacarpals (10) Phalanges (28) proximal phalanx middle phalanx distal phalanx
19 Consists of (2) hip bones coxal bones pelvic bones innominate bones Supports trunk of body Attachment for lower limbs Sacrum, Coccyx, Pelvic Girdle Protects: urinary bladder distal end of large intestine internal reproductive organs
The End!!!