Chapter 21 The Cold War
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After World War II, although an international organization (the United Nations) was formed to ensure global peace and prosperity, that did not always happen. Germany would remain divided between a Soviet-influenced East Germany and a western-influenced West Germany. Europe itself would be divided into the Eastern bloc, dominated by the Soviet Union, and the Western bloc, tied to the United States.
This division along with other factors would force the United States and the Soviet Union into a Cold War. The Cold war was a period of hostility between the United States and the Soviet Union without any direct military conflict. This war of competing ideas would last for decades. (Better understanding: although the U.S. and Soviet Union were both involved in the Vietnam War and the Korean War-neither country ever came in direct contact with the other.) In history this is better known as a proxy war.
During this Cold War it was clear that there were differences with the Soviets and the United States politically and economically To maintain control of Eastern Europe, or the Eastern bloc, the Soviets in 1955 created the Warsaw Pact, a military alliance tied with other soviet nations. In addition, the Soviet Union also brought nations under its control in eastern Europe and made them into satellite nations. The main purpose of this was to create a buffer to protect themselves against invasion from the west.
The Western bloc, the United States created NATO. Also, a military alliance primarily for discouraging the Soviet Union from aggression in Europe. Unfortunately, the Soviet Union would use their military force later against uprisings in Hungary and Czechoslovakia. (those countries were revolting for democracy)
The United States, as the leader of the non- Communist world, developed the Truman Doctrine to aid countries threatened by Communist takeover. In addition, the United States also created the Marshall Plan to help Western Europe’s democratic nations rebuilt their economies.
The United States and Canada developed strong, closely-linked economies after World War II. The cold war affected American politics during the 1950s, when concern arose about Communist influences in American government and society.
During the 1960s women, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Native Americans began to make advances in civil rights. However, at the same time the United States will enter the Vietnam War, a war that would divide the American society and lead to a questioning of the United State’s military role in world trouble spots.
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