Donna Molloy Troubled Families Team, DCLG Troubled Families and employability skills
How helping families move towards employment is being located at the heart of family intervention approaches Recent commitments to ensure Jobcentre Plus and Local Authorities work together in a much more integrated and whole-family way.
IMPACT Troubled families … attract multitude of uncoordinated services – up to 20 different agencies involved with one family often have high impact on community often large families whose problems affect the life chances of their children drain public finances – and these are mostly reactive costs
4 Business as usual for these families = a multitude of uncoordinated services 4 From 2003 …to 2012 Police/ Community Safety A post-it = a contact or intervention HealthSocial CareHousing Community Outreach CAF Coordination Attendance Service Housing Benefit Barnardos Family Intervention Project Note absence of employment related support ????
A better way of doing things = Family Intervention 1.A dedicated worker dedicated to the family 2.Who looks at what’s really happening for the family as a whole 3.And gives practical hands-on support 4.With an assertive and challenging approach 5.Backed by an agreed plan and common purpose among the relevant services.
Turning a family around means: Getting adults into work Children at school Cutting crime/ASB Cutting costs, saving money Employment at the heart of the programme
New delivery agreement with JCP Ensure that the delivery of welfare to work support is more effectively dovetailed with the support being offered within the Troubled Families Programme; Contribute (as appropriate) to family assessments and family plans in order to agree common employment and employability goals with the local authority for troubled family members; Adopt a coordinated local approach to working with each troubled family; Track the progress of troubled families on the DWP Labour Market System and share this information with the local authority on a regular basis.
Progress to date Secondees now in post Troubled families being flagged on JCP systems 9 th May first national event bringing secondees and Troubled Families Coordinators in the top 25 areas Promising models of joint working emerging