M-STEP A presentation for Macomb County Math Teachers
Information we know… In June 2014 the Michigan Legislature required the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) to develop a new test for spring 2015, creating a need to reduce a normal three-year test M-STEP (Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress) will be used to deliver a valid, reliable summative assessment measuring Michigan’s standards for school year.
Information we know… The M-STEP test replaces the 44-year-old MEAP test. The Spring 2015 assessment will include Michigan- developed content as well as content from the multi- state Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium.
Spring 2015 M-STEP summative tests for grades 3-8 will include: As in previous years, English language arts (reading, writing and listening) and mathematics will be assessed in grades 3-8. To reflect current year testing, science will move from being assessed in grades 5 and 8 to grades 4 and 7, and social studies from grades 6 and 9 to being assessed in grades 5 and 8 to measure current year growth.
Spring 2015 M-STEP summative tests for grades 3-8 will include: The Michigan Merit Examination (MME) in 11 th grade consists of ACT Plus Writing (a college entrance exam) and WorkKeys (a work skills assessment) and the M-STEP summative assessments which will measure student growth in English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies.
Measuring Student Growth Student Growth Percentiles (SGPs) will be used in place of Performance Level Change (PLCs) Student Growth Percentiles describe a students’s learning over time, compared to other students with equivalent prior test scores. SGPs are very useful and powerful way to understand student learning over time. Fairer to students of all performance levels
Preview the Assessment This will allow teachers and students to preview item types and system tools. It does not represent all of the ELA or Math standards that will be tested. A more complete M-STEP sample will be released in early Use Google Chrome to preview the assessment.
M-STEP Mathematics Components Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) Classroom Activity Performance Task (PT)
Classroom Activity 30 minute scripted lesson presented to the students. The lesson is delivered by a classroom teacher. It may occur the same day as the Performance Task (PT) or up to 3 days prior. The purpose of the activity is to expose students to the context and vocabulary of the PT.
Performance Task A multi-item task administered online. Students are presented with several stimuli, and will respond to Technology Enhanced (TE) items, short Constructed Response (CR), and extended CR items. Administering the PT without the Classroom Activity is considered a testing irregularity.
Testing Schedule
Testing Session Timings
M-Step Preview The M-Step 2015 Spring Preview is now available for Michigan students and teachers The Preview must be used on Google Chrome. Copy and paste this link into Chrome.
SBAC Portal Practice Assessment Additional items by grade span: assessments/ assessments/