UTIPS Update C-Forum October 5, 2007 Julie Quinn Computer-Based Assessments Specialist Assessment Section Utah State Office of Education
October 5, 2007 Utah State Office of Education Julie Quinn Computer-Based Assessments Specialist 2 UTIPS Overview UTIPS is one part of USOE’s “online formative assessment system” –R The UTIPS item pool includes –USOE item pool, aligned to state curriculum –Educator authored items can also be aligned to the state curriculum
October 5, 2007 Utah State Office of Education Julie Quinn Computer-Based Assessments Specialist 3 UTIPS Flexibility Educators can build assessments using 1. The USOE item pool Practice tests (CRT blueprint tests) Individual items by standards and objective 2. Their own items or… A combination of both
October 5, 2007 Utah State Office of Education Julie Quinn Computer-Based Assessments Specialist 4 Practice Tests CRT blueprint tests are NOT designed to predict student’s performance on a CRT. UTIPS is a screening tool. –It is one tool for a teacher to use, not the final determination about a student’s ability. –Results should be evaluated over time, and compared to observations and other information about the student’s understanding.
October 5, 2007 Utah State Office of Education Julie Quinn Computer-Based Assessments Specialist 5 Customizing Tests Multiple grade levels/content areas can be used on a single test Link websites to groups of questions Attach files (audio, documents, etc) to groups of questions Use short response, matching, essay questions –not just multiple choice tests
October 5, 2007 Utah State Office of Education Julie Quinn Computer-Based Assessments Specialist 6 Local Assessments Districts and schools can administer common assessments –Pre-tests –Benchmark Assessments –Teacher receives results in their account –Owner receives results by teacher and aggregate
October 5, 2007 Utah State Office of Education Julie Quinn Computer-Based Assessments Specialist 7 UTIPS Users Level 1 – Uses the content folders to administer tests, does not receive reports Level 2 – Builds blueprint tests; individual items used at the class level Level 3 – Creates custom tests designed to reflect instruction; feedback used to adjust instruction tailored to student needs
October 5, 2007 Utah State Office of Education Julie Quinn Computer-Based Assessments Specialist 8 A Formative Tool UTIPS training takes time… … and is most effective when supported by content specialists who demonstrate best practices in using results to support instruction
October 5, 2007 Utah State Office of Education Julie Quinn Computer-Based Assessments Specialist 9 UTIPS Update USOE Non-Secure Item Pool Summary –Distributed in August Math re-alignment & UBSCT Math alignment –In progress: ETA Jan 2008
October 5, 2007 Utah State Office of Education Julie Quinn Computer-Based Assessments Specialist 10 UTIPS Update 10 of the 12 regional servers have received the summer 2007 item pool update. Secondary ELA items –Graphic problems are being addressed –Addressing need for more items
October 5, 2007 Utah State Office of Education Julie Quinn Computer-Based Assessments Specialist 11 UTIPS Update State-wide Statistics January 1 – September 16: 2,905,361 Tests –MyUTIPS server = 31% –UCUTIPS server = 22% –Davis server = 15% –Washington server = 8% –All other servers = 2% - 5% each Approximately 15,000 teachers have used their account since Spring 2006
October 5, 2007 Utah State Office of Education Julie Quinn Computer-Based Assessments Specialist 12 UTIPS Meetings User’s Group –Co-Chairs: Duke Mossman (NUES) & Jared Orton (Nebo) Operator’s Group –Co-Chairs: Jim Stewart (UEN) & Tom Ackerson (Wasatch) distribution list and regular meetings for each group – please bring concerns and questions for discussion.
October 5, 2007 Utah State Office of Education Julie Quinn Computer-Based Assessments Specialist 13 UTIPS Future USOE will administer the non-secure Item Pool through an online assessment engine. –Solutions for addressing scaling issues are being explored. –Funding is being sought.
October 5, 2007 Utah State Office of Education Julie Quinn Computer-Based Assessments Specialist 14 Contact Information Julie Quinn Computer-Based Assessments Specialist Assessment Section Utah State Office of Education (801)