Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Chapter 28 Chapter 28 Reproduction in Plants Reproduction in Plants
Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Outline Chapter 28 Reproduction in Plants Reproductive Strategies Alternation of generations Adaptation to a land environment Flowers Pollination Fertilization Seed Development Fruit Seed Germination Asexual Reproduction Tissue Culture
Reproductive Strategies Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Reproductive Strategies Chapter 28 Reproduction in Plants All plants have a two-stage, alternating life cycle Sporophyte produces haploid spores by meiosis Spores divide mitotically to become haploid gametophytes Gametophytes produce gametes Gametes fuse to produce zygote Zygote divides mitotically to become diploid sporophyte
Alternation of Generations in Flowering Plants Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Alternation of Generations in Flowering Plants Chapter 28 Reproduction in Plants
Reproductive Strategies Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Reproductive Strategies Chapter 28 Reproduction in Plants Flower produces two types of spores Microspore - Male gametophyte Undergoes mitosis Becomes pollen grain Megaspore - Female gametophyte Becomes embryo sac within an ovary, within an ovule Ovule becomes seed
Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Flowers Chapter 28 Reproduction in Plants Flower develops in response to environmental signals such as day length In monocots, flower parts occur in threes and multiples of three In eudicots, flower parts occur in fours or fives and multiples of four or five
Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Anatomy of a Flower Chapter 28 Reproduction in Plants
Monocot vs. Eudicot Flowers Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Monocot vs. Eudicot Flowers Chapter 28 Reproduction in Plants
Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Flowers Chapter 28 Reproduction in Plants Leaf-like sepals protect the bud Open flower has whorl of petals Four whorls of modified leaves attached to a receptacle at the end of a flower stalk Receptacle with a single flower is a peduncle Receptacle with several flowers is a pedicle
Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Flowers Chapter 28 Reproduction in Plants Leaf-like sepals protect the bud Open flower has whorl of petals Four whorls of modified leaves attached to a receptacle at the end of a flower stalk Receptacle with a single flower is a peduncle Receptacle with several flowers is a pedicle
Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Flowers Chapter 28 Reproduction in Plants Stamens are male portion of flower Anther - Saclike container Filament - Slender stalk Carpel is female portion of flower Stigma - Enlarged sticky knob Style - Slender stalk Ovary - Enlarged base enclosing ovules
Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Flowers Chapter 28 Reproduction in Plants Complete vs. incomplete flowers: Complete flowers have sepals, petals, stamens, and a carpel Incomplete flowers missing one or more of above Bisexual vs. unisexual flowers: Bisexual flowers have both stamens and carpel Unisexual flowers have one but not the other Monoecious vs. dioecious plants Monoecious plants have staminate flowers and carpellate flowers on the same plant Dioecious plants have all staminate or all carpellate flowers
Corn Plants are Monoecious Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Corn Plants are Monoecious Chapter 28 Reproduction in Plants
Life Cycle of Flowering Plants Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Life Cycle of Flowering Plants Chapter 28 Reproduction in Plants
From Spores to Fertilization Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader From Spores to Fertilization Chapter 28 Reproduction in Plants Male Gametophytes Microspores are produced in anthers Each anther has four pollen sacs, each with many microsporocytes Undergoes meiosis to produce microspores Mitosis produces pollen grains
Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Pollination Chapter 28 Reproduction in Plants Pollination is the transfer of pollen from an anther to the stigma of a carpel Self-pollination occurs if the pollen is from the same plant Cross-pollination occurs if the pollen is from a different plant
Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Chapter 28 Pollination Reproduction in Plants
Production of Female Gametophyte Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Production of Female Gametophyte Chapter 28 Reproduction in Plants Ovary contains one or more ovules Ovule has mass of parenchyma cells One cell enlarges to become megasporocyte Undergoes meiois and becomes four haploid megaspores Functional megaspore divides mitotically until there are eight nuclei of a female gametophyte
Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Fertilization Chapter 28 Reproduction in Plants When pollen grain lands on stigma, it germinates forming a pollen tube Passes between the stigma and style to reach the micropyle of the ovule Double fertilization occurs One sperm nucleus unites with the egg nucleus, producing a zygote Other sperm nucleus unites with the polar nuclei, forming a 3n endosperm cell
Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Seed Development Chapter 28 Reproduction in Plants Development of eudicot embryo After double fertilization, endosperm nucleus begins to divide asymmetrically Small cell is destined to become the embryo Larger cell divides repeatedly to become a suspensor
Development of a Eudicot Embryo Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Development of a Eudicot Embryo Chapter 28 Reproduction in Plants
Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Monocot vs. Eudicot Chapter 28 Reproduction in Plants
Development of Eudicot Embryo Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Development of Eudicot Embryo Chapter 28 Reproduction in Plants During globular stage, prembryo is ball of cells Outermost cells will become dermal tissue Embryo is heart shaped when cotyledons appear Epicotyl is portion between cotyledons contributing to shoot development Hypocotyl is portion below that contributes to stem development Radicle contributes to root development
Fruit Types and Seed Dispersal Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Fruit Types and Seed Dispersal Chapter 28 Reproduction in Plants Simple Fruits Simple fruits are derived from single or several united carpels Legumes are fruits that split along two sides when mature Dehiscent - Split open Indehiscent - Fail to split open
Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Pea Flower and Pea Pod Chapter 28 Reproduction in Plants
Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Simple Fruits Chapter 28 Reproduction in Plants Fleshy Drupe Berry Pome Dry Follicle Legume Capsule Achene Nut Grain
Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Simple Fruits Chapter 28 Reproduction in Plants Dispersal Many seeds are dispersed by wind Woolly hairs, plumes, wings Fleshy fruits - Attract animals and provide them with food Peaches, cherries, tomatoes Accessory fruit - Bulk of fruit is not from ovary, but from receptacle Apples
Structure and Function of Fruits Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Structure and Function of Fruits Chapter 28 Reproduction in Plants
Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Compound Fruits Chapter 28 Reproduction in Plants Compound fruits develop from several individual ovaries Aggregate Fruits Ovaries are from a single flower Blackberry Multiple Fruits Ovaries are from separate flowers clustered together
Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Seed Germination Chapter 28 Reproduction in Plants When seed germination occurs, the embryo resumes growth and metabolic activity Length of time seeds retain their viability is quite variable Some seeds do not germinate until they have been through a dormant period Temperate zones - Cold Weather Deserts - Rain
Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Seed Germination Chapter 28 Reproduction in Plants Environmental requirements for seed germination Availability of oxygen for metabolic needs Adequate temperature for enzyme activity Adequate moisture for hydration of cells Light (in some cases) Respiration and metabolism continue throughout dormancy, but at a reduced level
Seed Structure and Germination in the Common Garden Bean Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Seed Structure and Germination in the Common Garden Bean Chapter 28 Reproduction in Plants
Corn Kernel Structure and Germination Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Corn Kernel Structure and Germination Chapter 28 Reproduction in Plants
Asexual Reproduction in Plants Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Asexual Reproduction in Plants Chapter 28 Reproduction in Plants Plants contain nondifferentiated meristem tissue Allows them to reproduce asexually by vegetative propagation Plant hormone auxin: Can be used to cause roots to develop Expands the list of plants that can be propagated from cuttings
Asexual Reproduction in Plants Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Asexual Reproduction in Plants Chapter 28 Reproduction in Plants
Tissue Culture of Plants Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Tissue Culture of Plants Chapter 28 Reproduction in Plants Tissue culture is the growth of a tissue in an artificial liquid or solid culture medium Plant cells are totipotent Meristem culture Auxins and cytokinins allow many new shoots to develop from a single shoot tip Virus-free clonal plants Suspension Culture Rapidly growing calluses are cut into small pieces and shaken into a liquid nutrient medium Single cells or small clumps break off and form a suspension
Tissue Culture in Plants Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Tissue Culture in Plants Chapter 28 Reproduction in Plants
Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Genetic Engineering Chapter 28 Reproduction in Plants Traditionally, hybridization was used to produce plants with desirable traits Crossing different varieties of plants Transgenic plants can now be produced by placing foreign genes into a plant Agricultural plants with improved traits Pest or insecticide resistant Commercial Products Human hormones, antibodies
Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Chapter 28 Maize Reproduction in Plants
Genetically Engineered Plants Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Genetically Engineered Plants Chapter 28 Reproduction in Plants
Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Review Chapter 28 Reproduction in Plants Reproductive Strategies Alternation of generations Adaptation to a land environment Flowers Pollination Fertilization Seed Development Fruit Seed Germination Asexual Reproduction Tissue Culture
Biology, 9th ed, Sylvia Mader Chapter 28 Ending Slide Chapter 28 Reproduction in Plants Reproduction in Plants