CEN WS/BII The BII post-award activities and deliverables The path towards more efficient procurement in Europe Paris June 2, Mr. Martin Forsberg CEN WS/BII3 Post-award Team lead
CEN WS/BII What do we mean by post award? Well defined and integrated processes for Product and price exchange Catalogue Punch out Ordering Order, order response Fullfilment/Delivery Despatch Advice Receipt Advice (introduced in BII3) Billing Invoice, Credit Note, Statement 2
CEN WS/BII Design principles Focus on general use Simplicity rather than total automation (which traditional EDI often strives for) Not limited to B2G! Over companies registered as receivers in the PEPPOL infrastructure – fortunately are not all public sector entities! A step-wise approach which enables gradual implementation as the market (and trading partners) mature 3
CEN WS/BII CENBII Profile and transaction Describe Goals Elaborate the scope Describe 2-5 Key Examples of the profile Capture requirements Requirement – Format syntax mapping Design principles Builds on experience from large scale implementations Can be customized to meet more sectorial or country specific requirements Developed using an agile methodology 4
CEN WS/BII What do we produce? Profiles Process description Semantic models for each transaction Using a common vocabulary of business terms Syntax representation/mapping towards OASIS UBL 2.1 and UN/CEFACT D11A XML Supporting guidelines Best practices for businesses Payment initation & reconciliation, booking into account Technical implementation guidelines Use of datatypes, codelists, validation rules 5
CEN WS/BII Your path towards more efficient procurement! THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! For more information: 6