Writing Prompt was due yesterday; today it is late (2.5 pt penalty) Turn in your guided notes, make sure your name is in the appropriate place Review 9.1 (page 247 “Money Problem” questions 1-2)
What is the title of the graph? What is America’s debt? How much does it cost to run the government? What is the total? What were our 2 sources of income? What was our total income? How many years would it take us to pay off the debt at the current rate (4 / 80)? If all the debt was paid off, would we have enough money to run the country?
Large sum of national debt Hamilton’s plan Buy back bonds Pay off state debt Protect American Industry Madison’s objection (First major Constitutional period conflict between north and south)
Pages Key vocab: Inauguration, Precedent, Cabinet, and rebellion List of Washington’s precedents Neutrality in foreign affairs, 2 term presidency, use of force to enforce the law, allowing cabinet to offer advice, being addressed as “Mr. President”, inauguration and speech, farewell address.
American History 8 Chapter 9 – section 2 A Policy of Neutrality
1789 – French Revolution At first Americans supported the revolution WHY? 1. Remembered what it was like to struggle for liberty. 2. France was one of the first European nations to support the U.S. 3. Wanted to help Lafayette (a leader in the Revolution)
1790 – things had turned ugly in France ** The Reign of Terror (guillotine!!) (Sept 1793-July 1794) 50k public executions. The U.S. starts to question its support. Hamilton & John Adams wanted to remain neutral ( not supporting either side) Thomas Jefferson wanted to help the French people.
President Washington had to decide a course for U.S. foreign policy (how the U.S. will deal with other nations) U.S. would remain neutral This policy angered merchants who wanted to make money. Britain & France continued to seize U.S. ships.
Turn in guided notes from 9.1 and your Fed. Or anti-federalist assignment (late by 2 days) If you had to choose sides in the 1790s, would you select the British or French as economic allies? Explain.
Jay’s Treaty 1. Britain would pay for U.S. ships seized in U.S. pay debts to Britain from before the Revolution. 3. Britain would give up forts in the Ohio Valley. What was the problem with the plan?? Britain still captured U.S. ships!!
1. Urged the U.S. to stay out of European affairs. 2. Warned Americans against political parties. Why?? Washington believed involvement in European affairs would pull the U.S. into war. He warned that political parties would cause jealousy & threaten national unity.
Leader – Alexander Hamilton Believed the wealthy & educated should lead Wanted a strong National Government. Placed an emphasis on industry Favored a “loose” interpretation of the Constitution Pro-British Favored a National Bank Favored a protective tariff Were the Federalists from the North or South?
Leader – Thomas Jefferson Wanted the people to have power to lead Favored strong state governments Placed an emphasis on agriculture Favored a strict interpretation of the Constitution Pro-French Opposed the National Bank Opposed the protective tariff Were the Republicans from the North or South?
Republican candidate – Thomas Jefferson & Aaron Burr Federalist candidate – John Adams & Thomas Pinckney Adams was elected President Jefferson was elected Vice-President Huh???