Desktop computer security policies Applies to ALL computers connecting to the PathStone network irrespective of device ownership
Antivirus All computers must have an approved, functioning, and up to date antivirus software. Antivirus software must be set to auto update virus definitions daily
Manual logoff or lock When leaving a computer, laptop, company cell phone, iPad, or other computing device unattended, staff must manually logoff or lock the device to prevent unauthorized access to PathStone systems or information.
Compromised or virus infected computers Must have their network connection disabled to prevent spread of infection or illegal activities.
Security patching All computers must have an automated procedure for maintaining current patch levels. All applicable critical security patches must be installed within 48 hours of patch release by the vendor.
Prohibited use of Information Technology Resources Peer to Peer File Sharing Installation or use of peer to peer file sharing software such as Kazaa, BitTorrent, DC++ (Direct connect) etc is not permitted on the PathStone network.
Prohibited use of Information Technology Resources Pornography Authorized users are not permitted to utilize the PathStone IT Resources to access pornographic material or to create, store or distribute pornographic material of any type.
Prohibited use of Information Technology Resources Gambling Authorized users are not permitted to utilize the PathStone's IT Resources to gamble.
Prohibited use of Information Technology Resources Installing, downloading, or running software that has not been approved for PathStone IT.