Portion Control: Do you know how much you are eating Restaurant portions are 3-4 times the actual amount of a correct serving.
Proteins such as meat… should be the size of a deck of cards in height, length and width.
Solid fats like butter… should be the size of the tip of your thumb in height, length and width.
For mashed potatoes… you should have ½ cup which is about the size of half an apple.
For cheeses like Cheddar or Swiss… you should have 1 ounce which is the same size as 4 dice.
For pasta like spaghetti… you should have ½ cup which is about the size of a closed fist.
Or dry, before cooking… you should have a bunch, about the thickness of a quarter.
For ice cream… you should have ½ cup which is about the size of a tennis ball.
you should have 1 cup which is about the size of a baseball. For broth based soups…
For salad dressings… you should have 2 T. which is about the size of a golf ball.
a serving is the equivalent of 2 hockey pucks, stacked. For casseroles or lasagna…
For fresh cheese… a serving is the equivalent of a ping pong ball.
For meats (beef, pork, chicken)… a serving is the equivalent of a deck of cards.
How much do you eat???? Knowing your portion sizes can help keep you in good health!!
Bibliography WebMd, Portion Control Poster, April 20, h ttp:// h ttp:// Men’s Health Magazine, 12 Easy Ways to Eat Right, March 3,