Sixth Form Induction Evening Monday 21st September 2015
Welcome Students enjoying the Year 12 Induction Week residential visit to Aberystwyth University. With hard work university is one option available for students after the completion of A Levels.
Why have this meeting? Parents Success Student Teachers
Overview Induction Meeting: Meet the Sixth Form Leaders Courses Expectations Timetable Study, work and free time Progression into Year 13 Student support/pastoral – tracking & monitoring Supervised study & homework Enrichment & PSHE Programme Financial Assistance Key dates & questions
Meet the Sixth Form Leaders Induction Meeting: Meet the Sixth Form Leaders Mr. O. Davies Sixth Form Leader for the Quality of Teaching & Learning and Student Recruitment Mrs. S. Morgan Sixth Form Leader for Student… Miss. J. Munnelly Sixth Form Leader for… Mrs. J. Kendrick Head of Invictus Sixth Form Trust
Courses Induction Meeting: ★A-Level Courses: 4 AS Levels in Year 12 Enrichment PHSE Programme Free Periods ★GCSE Retake Courses: GCSE Maths & English Additional subjects Be prepared: Your student by now should have… Folders Notepad Pens Highlighters Plastic wallets or holepuncher
Expectations Induction Meeting: All students are to register during morning registration, 8.50am prompt, if there is a lesson that day. If students have free periods in the afternoon then they may sign out at reception. Supervised study arrangements will be rolled out over the course of this week. Enrichment activities must be attended and/or completed by students. In free periods conduct research and additional reading. Homework must be completed on time.
Example timetable Induction Meeting: 1 2 3 4 5 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Physics Maths PSHE Provision Sociology 2 History Supervised Study 3 Free Period 4 Enrichment 5
All work and no study makes… Induction Meeting: All work and no study makes… ‘sixth formers who spent five or more hours per week in jobs did less well than expected. Students who worked for more than 15 hours were the worst affected,……… falling from expected BBB grades to CCD.’ Times Educational Supplement
Progression into Year 13 Induction Meeting: Criteria: Students will not be allowed to progress into Year 13 if they get an E or less (depending on target grades). Linear Changes to A Level: in many subjects AS levels are not carried into Year 13.
How will Kinver Sixth Form support students? Induction Meeting: How will Kinver Sixth Form support students? Intervention plan This has been designed to allow staff to support your child. Stage 1 = targets agreed by student and subject teacher. Stage 2 = targets agreed by student, form tutor, subject teacher & parents. Stage 3 = targets agreed by Head of Sixth, parents, student, subject teacher. Failure to get back on track after stage 3 will result in no entry for exams. If you feel your child is struggling then please get in touch. It is our job to help.
Supporting students – Recording Progress- Induction Meeting: You will now receive a monitoring report after the completion of a key assessment. This will give you an indication of how your child is performing in each subject in comparison with their target grades. Your child will also be formally assessed in each subject every half-term. This will give staff an indication as to whether your child is working to the level they expect. Students will meet with tutors as part of a pastoral support programme to ensure they are coping with academic life.
Supervised Study Induction Meeting: Students are now required to complete 6 hours of supervised study time over their 2 week timetable. This will be done under staff supervision and will require the students to complete work in exam conditions to ensure they are completing work outside of lesson time.
Homework & Private Study Induction Meeting: Homework & Private Study A-Level students should be spending approximately 1-2 hours studying each evening. Homework, coursework, reviewing/rewriting/organising notes, reading/reviewing textbooks, reading articles, A-Level study internet sites, exam revision, etcetera. This is in addition to supervised study time in school. The most successful students are those who conduct independent work outside of the classroom.
Enrichment Programme Induction Meeting: -Wednesday afternoons- Student Enrichment Calendar completed in rolling format Range of enrichment activities from charity fundraising, student cookery lessons, inspirational speakers, driving safety, first aid courses, budgeting, health courses, etcetera. Why? To create intellectually rounded students To prepare students for the world outside of education To make students stand out on a C.V.
Financial Assistance Induction Meeting: There is support available for low income families. There is a 16-19 bursary available via the school business manager (Mrs Bill). This can help with education supplies, petrol (only when used for getting to school), bus passes etc. 16-18 Centro Cards – bus passes for sixth form students NUS Extra Card – apply for online. (Google search – NUS Extra Cards)
Key dates & questions Induction Meeting: Any questions? Sixth Form Tutor Evening – Tuesday 17th November 2015 Sixth Form Parents Evening - External Examinations – Mid May 2016 A Level Results Day – 18th August 2016 Any questions?
Induction Meeting: Contact Information To contact the Sixth Form Leaders please email: Sixth Form Tutors: Year 12 Miss. J. Munnelly on Year 13 Mr. J. Wilks on The sixth form office phone number is 01384 551025 Or request staff via the school office on 01384 551000