Understanding the Base Ten System Unit of Study: Extending Understanding of Base Ten Notation Global Concept Guide: 1 of 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Understanding the Base Ten System Unit of Study: Extending Understanding of Base Ten Notation Global Concept Guide: 1 of 1

Content Development  Students’ experiences within this unit should be based upon their need. These skills are incorporated and applied within the third grade standards in contrast to direct instruction in the base ten system. For this reason, it is critical that students have developed a thorough understanding of the base ten system prior to exiting second grade.  Some students may need to review flexible representations of numbers as they explore numbers in the real world. Other students may benefit from additional instruction in comparing and ordering numbers within 1,000. A few students may be ready to explore numbers beyond 1,000 using the base ten concepts they have developed.  Professional Development Video on Base Ten NumerationVideo  Instructional decisions should be based on student observation and data collected throughout the year.

Content Development

Day 1  Essential Question: How are place value patterns repeated in our money system?  The focus is to make the connections between the patterns represented in our base ten and monetary systems. Students’ experiences would include identifying the similarities between 10 pennies having the same value as a dime and ten ones having the same value as a ten, and so forth. Pennies, dimes, and dollars may be used to represent 2 or 3 digit numbers as well as adding and subtracting those same 2 or 3 digit numbers. Some students may make the connections with a ten dollar bill representing one thousand.  Students should use evidence-based statements similar to place value comparisons when comparing values of coins (i.e. 63₵ is greater than 36₵ because six dimes represents 60₵ which is more than 30₵). Students should be able to organize flexible representations of money values in the same manner as 2 and 3 digit numbers.  Lesson Ideas:  Extending Base Ten to Money Extending Base Ten to Money  Snack Attack Snack Attack  Extending Base Ten Extending Base Ten  Mega Math Mega Math  Go Math Getting Ready for 3 rd Grade Lesson 7 PG88  Go Math Getting Ready for 3 rd Grade Lesson 8 PG90  Go Math Getting Ready for 3 rd Grade Lesson 9 PG92  By the end of Day 1, students will be able to use place value patterns when working with money.

Day 2  Essential Question: How are numbers represented in the real world?  Students will spend Day 2 looking for numbers represented in the real world.  Students can participate in a Scavenger Hunt where they identify numbers in the real world. Classroom doors are an excellent place for students to see numbers.  Engage students in discussions about how numbers are represented in the real world. Have students make comparisons and discuss reasonableness of answers. For example, challenge students to estimate how many students are in a classroom. A reasonable estimate might be less than 30. If a student said 800 they are struggling with understanding magnitude of numbers.  Sample Game:  Comparison War:  Students need a deck of cards with the face and ten cards removed.  Students equally share the pile of cards.  Student places cards face down and selects two cards to create the greatest two-digit number.  Students compare numbers. The person with the greatest number earns a point.  The first person to 7 points is the winner.  Lesson Ideas:  Base Ten Riddles Questions to use on Day 2Base Ten Riddles  2-Digit Number Riddles- Questions for Day 2 2-Digit Number Riddles-  Go Math Getting Ready for 3 rd Grade Lesson 6 PG86 (Located in Planning Guide)  By the end of Day 2, students will be able to identify numbers represented in the real world.

Day 3  Essential Question: How can understanding place value help me solve problems?  Instruction should focus on using place value knowledge as a key to problem solving.  Suggestions include:  Extending Day 2 into a third day as students conduct a scavenger hunt using print media.  Use numbers from Day 2 to place on a number line comprised of multiples of 100 and have students justify the placement of the numbers using appropriate vocabulary.  Sample Games  Number Scrabble- Follow the directions listed on the slide. Understanding the structure of base ten helps students determine where to place numbers. Number Scrabble  Lesson Ideas:  Application of Base Ten Application of Base Ten  Problem Solving Base Ten Problem Solving Base Ten  Review Project: Books For Sale PG68  By the end of Day 3, students will be able to use place value understanding to solve problems.

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