MMU Faculty of Education Subject Mentor Training
The Responsibilities of the SM To carry out a weekly formal observation on your trainee. To carry out a weekly mentor meeting with your trainee. and To induct the trainee into the department and clarify departmental expectations. To help create a suitable timetable which supports the development of subject knowledge and allows the principle of gradualism to be applied. To engage in joint / supported planning with the trainee. To monitor progress towards meeting the standards, setting targets and reviewing trainee progress, ensuring that trainees work towards Good or Outstanding outcomes. To contribute to Review 2a/b (during Block A), 3b, 4 and 5a/b (during Block B). To contribute to the Ofsted grading of your trainee (on reviews) To support the trainee with their ETL, ILA and CDA assignments. To support the trainee with their assignment activities. To monitor the trainees collection of evidence for their SEF / RPD.
SM in Induction / Block A Key aspects of this phase: Induction is key as this starts to show trainees what teaching is all about – whole school and departmental Engagement with Progress Indicators – Enables trainees to show, and you to monitor, progress against the standards. Subject Audits – leading to a progressive timetable to address subject knowledge gaps. Addressing weaknesses through clear target setting – keeping the University Tutor informed of issues/lack of progress. Joint observation with University Tutor. Remediation procedures– to support trainees at risk of failing. Support and advice for trainees in their assignment writing. Contribution to Review 2a/b
SM in Block B / Enrichment Up-dated Subject Knowledge Audit, plus Review 2a/b and 3a to be used to identify trainee starting point. Progressive timetable addressing subject knowledge gaps and aiding further development of existing knowledge and skills. Continued use of Progress Indicators to monitor progress – aiming to have all trainees Good or Outstanding by the end of the Block B placement.(use ‘working towards good’ documentation if not) Carry out joint observation against the progress indicators with University Tutor Develop increasing independence in your trainee Support for trainees with their assignment writing Addressing remaining Standards through clear target setting. Remediation procedures to support trainees at risk of failure. Contribute to Review 5a/b and organisation of Enrichment.
The Role – Qualities + Skills Demonstrate good practice Be an effective communicator Demonstrate efficient working practices Act in a professional manner Maintain empathy Facilitate trainee progression Adopt a coaching role when required Demonstrate commitment to the role Demonstrate a working knowledge of the appropriate programme phase
Key Contacts Partnership Office at Birley – Bev Ingham Secondary ITT Partnership Leader – Karen Duffy