ENGAGEMENT: Strategic Goals Develop and support opportunities for lifelong learningDevelop and support opportunities for lifelong learning Provide leadership in addressing current issues in the field of educationProvide leadership in addressing current issues in the field of education Develop partnerships within the University and local, state, national, and international constituentsDevelop partnerships within the University and local, state, national, and international constituents Create graduate students who are scholars and leaders with expertise in engagementCreate graduate students who are scholars and leaders with expertise in engagement
Engagement – Making a Difference Engaging Indiana Areas of distinctionAreas of distinction –Ed’l Technology –Literacy –Gifted & Talented 3,995 field placements3,995 field placements 132 events132 events –13,332 participants 160 clients160 clients Engaging Indiana Areas of distinctionAreas of distinction –Ed’l Technology –Literacy –Gifted & Talented 3,995 field placements3,995 field placements 132 events132 events –13,332 participants 160 clients160 clients Engagement Highlights
College of Education P-12 Engagement Summary
Professional Development Schools Charter member Holmes partnership 53 K-12 School Partners All engaged in Purdue Teacher Education, hosting Blocks I-IV Synergy Grants –Collaborative research projects –Support Holmes Partnership goals
3,995 Teacher Education Placements (by County ‘03-04) Early Field Experiences Student Teaching Learning Highlights
T ech- K now- B uild: Indiana Students Building Knowledge with Technology USDOE K-12 Technology Innovation Challenge GrantUSDOE K-12 Technology Innovation Challenge Grant Problem-centered learning with technologyProblem-centered learning with technology Collaboration of Crawfordsville and Indianapolis schools, IUPUI, and Purdue’s School of EducationCollaboration of Crawfordsville and Indianapolis schools, IUPUI, and Purdue’s School of Education Learning Highlights
P urdue L iteracy N etwork P roject Reading Recovery –Early intervention –Struggling first graders Literacy Collaborative –Professional development program –Prepares literacy coordinators Professional Development Initiative –Summer Literacy Institute –Professional Development Series Engagement Highlights
G ifted E ducation R esource I nstitute Super Saturday & GERI Summer Camps –High profile enrichment outreach 750 grade P-8 Super Saturday students 400 grade P-4 Super Summer students 375 grade 5-12 Summer residential students Partnerships –Urban school districts –Rural school districts –Busan HS, Korea Engagement Highlights
Purdue P-12 Engagement Purdue Strategic PlanPurdue Strategic Plan Office of Engagement, VP LechtenbergOffice of Engagement, VP Lechtenberg P-12 Task ForceP-12 Task Force P-12 ForumP-12 Forum –April 22 at University Inn –Invited participants –Needs Assessment & Recommendations Purdue P-12 Engagement CenterPurdue P-12 Engagement Center
How Can You Help? ACTIVITY #1: Overcoming challenges In small groups, you will generate ideas for overcoming one of the challenges we’ve identified to our engagement efforts: 1.Alignment of P-12 and University agendas 2.Faculty reward structure 3.Meaningful role for COE at Purdue 4.Infrastructure/resources
How Can You Help? ACTIVITY #2: Visioning WEL In this group brainstorming activity, we will share our emerging vision for a new project that we believe would address these challenges and help us accomplish our strategic goals. We seek your creative ideas on how to make our vision a reality.