2 CNMOC approves NDE for NAVOCEANO and FNMOC NAVOCEANO’s service request/ response incorporates more than IDPS and NDE environmnetal products, e.g. ocean forecasts, bathymetry, acoustics, etc. The Naval Research Lab R&D is the primary developer and development is not under same line office as NAVOCEANO. Many Navy NDE developments are being worked by non- COPC entities. Service response Service request Environmental Product Data Record (generic) NPOESS IDPS. NPOESS IDPS. NPOESS Data Exploitation (NDE) NAVOCEANO’s NDE CUSTOMERS CUSTOMERS NPOESS programCentrals' programs (NAVOCEANO)
3 NPP Connectivity Timeline 9/06-20/2007: Navy’s NPOESS Readiness Budget and design of NPP connectivity to both Navy Centrals modified due to NPP launch delay. 12/07/2007: FNMOC and NAVOCEANO generated requirements for Pre- IDP NPP data receipt. 1/10/2008: All four Centrals, PMW-120, CNMOC, and the IPO meet at NCF regarding pre-IDP NPP receipt solution for Navy. 3/14/2008: PMW-120 begins dialog with AT&T on comms requirements. Mid-March 2008: CNMOC delivers Navy requirements for NPP data to NESDIS and AFWA. 6/27/2008: Initiated telecons with AFWA regarding NPP connectivity to Navy Centrals. Initiated debate on adding/widening DATMS-U VS using AT&T. 8/14/2008: Navy Centrals propose a “Navy blackbox” within the NPOESS firewall at AFWA to reduce C/A problem. The IPO proposes 2 Navy- funded servers within a Navy firewall at AFWA and obtaining the AFWA IDP data from an unused SDS port. This is for the AT&T concept.
5 AT&T Concept
6 Ocean CalVal for NPP IPO has asked NRL SSC to take lead in Ocean calval Initial meeting July 08 with following participants –Bob Arnone (lead) and Paul Lyon (NRLSSC) –Alexander Ignatov (NOAA/NESDIS) –Peter Minnett and Bob Evans (RSMAS) –Doug May and Bob Coulter (NAVO) First priority is to get a proxy VIIRS datastream –Working with Joe Zajic (NOAA/IPO) on software that will ingest MODIS data and convert it to proxy VIIRS data in real-time –the data will be formatted according to the IDPS SDR output specification in HDF5 and will have the MODIS channels spectrally transformed to resemble VIIRS channels –Allows those users getting MODIS data already to run conversion software rather than acquiring another datastream –Will be used for both SST and ocean color NDE
7 NPOESS Readiness POM-08 Submission NAVOCEANO, FNMOC, NRL, and SPAWAR have secured approved NPOESS Readiness funding from the Oceanographer of the Navy for FY NAVO funded for Operations including budget for computer hw migration, sw migration, maintenance, facility space renovation, and comms lines to transition from POES to NPOESS data streams Integrate NPOESS data into legacy exploitation capabilities Implement new sw transitions developed by NRL NRL funded for development of Upper Ocean Layer predictions –Optical Properties –Mesoscale modeling predictions –Ice nowcast/forecast
8 NAVOCEANO NDE Initiatives : –Multiple satellite SST assimilation into operational models NAVO operational with AVHRR, GOES and AMSR-E NRL/NAVO evaluating and implementing AATSR, MSG, MODIS –Altimeter assimilation into operational models NAVO operational with GFO, Jason, and ENVISAT Descoping of NPOESS ALT led to NRL evaluation of OSTM (Jason- 2), HY-2, Altika and Sentinel 3. NRL also leading effort for next Navy altimeter satellite. –Ocean color properties and assessment & assimilation into operational models NAVO operational with automated generation and validation of operational optical properties from Seawifs and MODIS –Diver visibility, laser penetration depth, laser performance, asset vulnerability depth NRL evaluating MERIS, OCM and VIIRS proxy data set derived from MODIS data
9 NAVOCEANO NDE Initiatives : –Net Heat Flux for ocean circulation models NRL investigating improvements to surface flux assimilation into ocean models by comparing atmospheric model flux estimates to satellite derived observations NRL will derive surface fluxes from existing and future satellite sensors (including NPOESS) –Specific humidity, air temperature, surface wind, SST –Sea Ice Characteristics & Temperature for improved ice model NAVO operational with NCOM/CICE/NCODA NRL validating assimilation of ice concentration into HYCOM/CICE/NCODA NRL developing assimilation techniques for ice age and ice temperature into HYCOM/CICE/NCODA NRL will evaluate assimilation of NPOESS ice temp, ice concentration and ice age into HYCOM/CICE/NCODA when available
10 JCSDA JCSDA initiatives coordinated with NRL and approved by CNMOC Must be new initiatives not worked by NRL Must be new funding Must support Navy Mission