January 6 AP Physics
In: How would the period of a pendulum on earth differ from that on the moon?
Objective: Find out the relationship between period and length of a pendulum. Success criteria: to be able to explain the equation for the period of a pendulum
Lab: period of a pendulum Problem: what are the variables that affect the period of a pendulum? List possible variables Test possible variables From your data, determine what the variables are that affect the period of a pendulum. What are the relationships between the variables?
Now that weve determined what variables affect period… what is the relationship? Tα ? Tα L Tα 1/L Tα L 2 TαLTαL
Direct relationship: graph is a straight line Y α X
Inverse relationship Y α 1/X Plot the reciprocal to get a straight line.
Power relationship Yα X 2 Square the x axis values
Root relationship Y α X Plot the square root of the x values to get a straight line.
What relationship have you found?
Pendulum: T=2πl/g l=length of pendulum g=acceleration due to gravity: 9.8 m/s 2
A clock has a pendulum with a length of.5 meters. What is the period of the pendulum?
How long a pendulum do you need to make a clock goes tick-tock every second?
Synthesis: I own/ I dont understand Out: How is simple harmonic motion similar to a wave?