Welcome to NOVEL/Thomson Gale Beginner Level Database Training
What is NOVEL? NOVELNY is New York's first statewide online virtual library. NOVELNY is a collection of electronic databases that provide access from library, home, school, or office to thousands of full-text national and international newspapers and magazines, health and medical resources, business collections, Spanish language materials, and age-appropriate materials for youngsters. New York State residents can currently access NOVELNY via their local public library, academic library or school library. Your library must register with NOVEL to receive free access to the databases available.
What is Thomson Gale? Thomson Gale™ ( is a world leader in e- research and educational publishing for libraries, schools and businesses. Best known for it’s accurate and authoritative reference content as well as its intelligent organization of full-text magazine and newspaper articles, the company creates and maintains more than 600 databases that are published online, in print, as eBooks and in microform. Thomson Gale provides NOVEL with 11 databases.
Thomson Gale databases available through NOVEL Custom Newspapers New York State Newspapers InfoTrac Junior Edition Health and Wellness Resource Center with Alternative Health module Informe Twayne Authors Series –World, English, and U.S. Gale Virtual Reference Library These databases are most popular in K-12 libraries
Gale Virtual Reference Library (e-books) American Civil War Reference Library, 5v, 2000 American Revolution Reference Library, 5v, 2000 American’s At War, 4v, 2005 Business Plans Handbook, Vol. 5-10, Encyclopedia of Small Business, 2nd Ed., 2v, 2002 Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East and North Africa, 2nd Ed., 4v, 2004 Europe, 1450 to 1789: Encyclopedia of the Early Modern World, 6v, 2004 Fashion, Costume, and Culture: Clothing, Headwear, Body Decorations, and Footwear Through the Ages, 5v, 2004 Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine, 2nd Ed., 4v, 2005 Gale Encyclopedia of Cancer, 2v, 2002 Gale Encyclopedia of E-Commerce, 2v, 2002 Gale Encyclopedia of Genetic Disorders, 2v, 2002 Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine, 2nd Ed., 5v, 2002 Gale Encyclopedia of Nursing and Allied Health, 5v, 2002 History Behind the Headlines: The Origins of Conflict Worldwide, 6v, 2001 Major Acts of Congress, 3v, 2004
Also available National Newspaper Index Health Reference Center Academic Business and Company ASAP Business and Company Resource Center
How can the databases help you meet your Information Fluency Continuum? “Students have equitable access to the library and its resources.” “Current technology is available and operable to support multiple learning experiences in the library and remote access to library resources” –Thomson Gale databases are available 24/7. “Standard 1, Inquiry Phase Connect: Connects ideas to self; finds personal passion” –Custom Newspapers provides access to local New York City newspapers
How can the databases help you meet your Information Fluency Continuum? “Standard 1, Inquiry Phase Wonder: Makes predictions about the kind of information needed to answer the questions and the sources that will be most likely to have the information.” –Make sure that students are aware of the NOVEL databases and where they can find in them. “Standard 1, Inquiry Phase Investigate: Uses successful information and technology strategies for locating sources of information.” –Librarians can use InfoMarks to guide students to appropriate articles.
How can the databases help you meet your Information Fluency Continuum? “Standard 1, Inquiry Phase Investigate: Uses information strategies to locate information within a source.” –Students use basic and advanced searching strategies to locate relevant articles. “Standard 1, Inquiry Phase Investigate: Evaluates information to determine value and relevance for answering questions.” –Students use critical thinking skills to evaluate search results. “Standard 1, Inquiry Phase Express: Uses standard language and citation conventions.” –Databases offer tool box and “How to cite” features.
How can the databases help you meet your Information Fluency Continuum? “Standard 2, Personal Exploration: Uses technology to solve real-world problems. Locates reliable information for personal growth.” –Once students are aware of what’s available to them from NOVEL databases they will continue to access them for reliable, trustworthy content.
Let’s take a look! You can log into your own account or use this account (today only) itweb/nysl_me_nycitysl Password (if needed): empirelink
A student is looking for articles on the planet Mars. Use Junior Edition. –Use Subject Search –Search Term: MARS –Use subject headings to locate articles.
A student is looking specifically for articles about water on Mars. Use Junior Edition –Use Keyword Search –Search terms: MARS AND WATER –Remove checkmarks from boxes beneath search box. –View results. –Use relevance and full text options with the same search to see the difference.
A student needs help writing a topic sentence. Use Junior Edition Use Toolbox on left side navigation bar.
A student is looking for the current issue of Newsweek. Use Junior Edition –Use Advanced Search –Search string: JN NEWSWEEK AND DA JAN
Let’s cross search! From the database menu choose to search in all databases available and click Submit. You are now searching –Custom Newspapers –New York State Newspapers –Gale Virtual Reference Library –Health Reference Center Academic –Informe –Business and Company ASAP
A student is looking for a biography on Abraham Lincoln. Use Basic Search –Search string: ABRAHAM LINCOLN –Limit to documents with full text. –View the results on the Reference Tab. You’ll find biographies, topic overviews and primary documents. –Check out the Magazines Tab for a recent article that takes a fresh look at the Gettysburg address.
A student is looking for a current event topic to bring to class. Use Publication Search –Search string: NEW YORK TIMES. –Limit to documents with full text. –Select a recent date from the issues list to view that day’s paper.
A student needs a video source for her report on diabetes. Use Health and Wellness Resource Center. –Select DIABETES from the Healthology Health Library. –A new window will open to video and brief articles regarding diabetes. –Use Health and Wellness Resource Center basic search to find more reference and magazine articles.
With the recent release of a film about Beatrix Potter a student is interested in learning more about her life and works. Use Twayne Authors Series. –Use Authors A-Z. –Select Potter, Beatrix from the list.
Thomson Gale Customer Support Stacey Knibloe x1919 Electronic Search Assistance –Offers search and content help for any Thomson Gale product –Available Monday – Friday, 8:00am – 5:00pm EST Technical Support –Help for usage statistics, database configuration, remote access, etc –Available 24/7